Air Ambulance Service
I recently relocated here. Am interested in obtaining air ambulance insurance. See there are a few companies to choose from. Can anyone recommend one or at least give me ur experience good or bad to help me decide? Thanks. Have family member with health problems.
I have had both. Never had to use either one.
If you have a specific city you would prefer to be evacuated to check the cost from both providers for that option.
Also two catch 22s to be aware of:
1. Just because you don't want to be treated by local doctors or hospital isn't a sufficient reason to request transport. The medical director of the air ambulance provider has the final say. Since it can cost them in excess of $20K for a fully staffed flight your doctor will have to make a convincing argument to make the evacuation happen.
2. If you don't have medical insurance or the ability to make a sufficient cash down payment you may have difficulties in finding a hospital in PR or the mainland that will accept you. Hospitals have an obligation to accept emergency patients, but since when you are medically evacuated you are usually medically stable they don't have to accept your transfer to their facility. Without a prearranged hospital at the destination the air ambulance probably isn't going to fly your destination.
the 2 options i know of are skymed and masa.
There's a new one. AeroMD. They are hosting Biz After Hours on STT next week. Their commercials ran during some major broadcast. Grammy?
MASA has been here the longest, if that's of any help.
On all of them, read the fine print. The cheapest plans take you to Puerto Rico. It'll cost you more to go to America...
Thank u all for comments. So basically they are all the same?
I don't think they're all the same. You have to question each one to determine services. I was airlifted from Spain to VI, and had to wait days before that service had a plane and staff since I wasn't time critical. I heard some services can't take patients over a certain weight.
This is a new service.
You definitely need to read their stuff and maybe talk to them. MASA has a new zoned plan: - you pay for where you want to go. If Florida is okay with you, it is in one price point. If you want to go to Seattle, it is another. The default is Puerto Rico.
And Jim Dandy is correct. I think a lot of people think: "I broke my leg, I want to go to the states." There are plenty of orthopods here to fix your leg, you won't get shipped out for that. On the other hand, if you need emergent neurosurgery or heart surgery, you might be a candidate for medical air ambulance.
Major medical insurance is the key because they all provide airlifts.
East Ender is right.
I think Masa is a rip - they never tell you that if the hospital turns you down, Masa won't take you.
i believe i heard that you also had to be stable enough to fly
MissJ: I don't think it is a "rip"- the customer needs to understand what they do and do not do. None of the companies are set up for people who want to "get out of Dodge!" Your physician and the MASA medical director determine the necessity, you and your physician find an accepting facility and physician. What is a "rip" is people who feel they can show up at any hospital and get "free" care. IMHO, of course. 🙂
speee1dy: I am looking at my MASA agreement- it says you must be "sufficiently stable" for the flight. The planes are set up like ICU rooms, but still there are times when someone isn't stable enough for even that...
MissJ: I don't think it is a "rip"- the customer needs to understand what they do and do not do. None of the companies are set up for people who want to "get out of Dodge!" Your physician and the MASA medical director determine the necessity, you and your physician find an accepting facility and physician. What is a "rip" is people who feel they can show up at any hospital and get "free" care. IMHO, of course. 🙂
Thanks to the legislation that Reagan signed all US emergency rooms have to see and treat patients who cannot or will not pay.
I am affirming what you said. Air ambulances will transfer you if and only if:
1. A hospital accepts you, which usually depends on you having major medical or being independently wealthy
2. you will only be transferred if the service you need is unavailable locally, whether or not you think the service is good quality
3. Masa will only pay the deductible and copy for the transfer if you are insured by major medical, because the health insurance is your primary coverage and picks up most of it
I know because I was airlifted and Masa only covered 20%. My Blue Cross covered primarily. I canceled my policy thereafter.
I have MASA and it has been great. The reason I have MASA isn't necessarily for the urgent airlift as you have to qualify as stated above. I have used MASA for times when I am in the states and have a medical issue that prevents me from completing my original travel plans. They have reimbursed me for flight changes and other expenses. Be sure to read the entire information on the plans and make an informed decision.
AeroMD is the best bargain you could possibly get. For individual insurance it's only $299 a year with no hidden fees or anything. Their family insurance holds up to 6 members for only $499 a year, and $75 for each additional family member. They have beautiful brand new jets along with on call respiratory care therapist, doctors, nurses and an amazing flight crew. Also, unlike MASA, they are not a brokerage company and are able to get you off the island within an hour whereas their competitors may take anywhere from 24-72 hours. They are the best bet.
Is JahCira an Aero MD owner?
Or sales rep?
Sounded like it!
Is JahCira an Aero MD owner?
What if he/she is? I found the information given in the post and the rest on the website very informative as I hadn't heard the name before. It's good to be told of options.
Because advertisers support this site, and some businesses try to advertise their businesses free through forums. I have mentioned AeroMD twice in this thread as an FYI, because I saw their ad during popular televised event.
Because advertisers support this site, and some businesses try to advertise their businesses free through forums.
If you feel a post breaches the TOS then you can simply report it without resorting to innuendos. If someone asks about good eats and I mention there's a place offering great deals and I throw out details, are you going to assume I'm back in the business and sliding in self-promotion?
Just unusual that the person, JahCira, has never offered an opinion on any other subject besides his/her glowing review of AeroMD on any of these various VI Relocation forums ever before.
No, OT, because you have a history and answer a variety of questions.
AeroMD has employee, Circa.
So, as said before, if you feel the post is against the TOS then report it. Simple. No need to make a big production out of it.
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