Advice about moving here.
Guess when everyone gets a pension and McMansion and highly subsidized healthcare they don't realize that the debt-saddled youth are (and will be) subsidizing it. The whole calculus behind Obamacare = young people who don't need it paying through the roof to subsidize the healthcare of their boomer overlords. It crashes without high youth enrollment.
The calculus is wrong because the young are gaming the system. Opening up Obamacare outside of the signup periods allows Millennials to sign up before they need expensive medical and they drop out after. (Don’t hate the player, hate the game). Boomers don’t have anything to do with Obamacare, they’re hammering medicare
Also there’s a better chance the GenX gets the hot poker harder and faster than Millennials with the changing of SS, Medicare, Tax laws on 401k/IRA’s.
College education these days is basically one big transfer of capital from poor millenials to boomer administrators. It's why Dr. Hall, like a true Boomer, gets his McMansion overlooking Brewers Bay and 350k salary while his students are in debt with no prospects.
Millennials aren’t without blame here. Spending $200M to major is X-Studies is downright stupid
I can go on, but you get my point. People wondering why millennials might be jaded should pay closer attention to what's going on.
How can special snowflakes be jaded? Trophy too small for 7th place?
Being jaded was perfected by GenX. Try and glom onto another past generational meme and claim it as your own, its what your generation will be known for (Along with skinny jeans, bad tattoo’s and horrible beards)
Try and glom onto another past generational meme and claim it as your own, its what your generation will be known for (Along with skinny jeans, bad tattoo’s and horrible beards)
Okay, that was funny.
Are most people there rude and mean...if so I might be reconsidering a new place...A more friendly place.
No, most are pretty good. lol
If you want to live somewhere for the warm weather and to be close to the ocean, move to Florida.
If you want to move to the USVI (or the Caribbean in general) because it is the USVI, that is different. In many ways you will find living here much harder than stateside. Many young people move to the USVI seeking a simpler life or to be closer to the ocean and wind up working so much just to survive that they complain they never are able to do anything other than work. And I do mean simply survive.
If you have the funds you would be well served to visit STT for several weeks or months before committing on a PMV. Meet other young people and talk with them about their experiences. Listen to what the risks are for a single young woman moving from the states to the islands. And do listen, as there are significant risks.
The number one reason people leave the islands shortly after relocating is due to false expectations and a false vision of the reality of what life in the VI is really like. As I began this post, reading what you are looking for you may want to consider moving to the Florida Keys or South Florida instead.
Finatic - re-read the first post. She's not planning on moving here for any long haul, just for a short period after finishing college and before embarking on her career path.
snicole: Again, sorry for the tenor of this thread. Of course, come down and have fun for a year. You will regret things you didn't do more than the things you did!
I do want to point out that travel within the Caribbean is not as easy as it should be. You can fly from St Thomas to Puerto Rico; there are specials occasionally for, what, around $100+ round trip? You can also get to the BVI easily. However, to many islands, you have to island hop on an airline named LIAT (you can check prices on line), or you have to return to Miami to get there. That is one of the many surprises about living here. 😉
I think you should do what you feel makes you happy, no one can live your life for you, but you. You will have the adventure of a lifetime, (I know I did) so come to the Islands and look for your piece of paradise if for only a little while. Like my grand dad always said, make hey while the sun shines. But also remember there is crime any where you go and St. Thomas is no exception. So think smart survey your surroundings before you go there and don't venture out by yourself in certain areas and during certain times like carnival, or places like backstreet and tutu area to mention a few. You can also make living on the Island as cheap or as expensive as you want depending on your needs versus wants.
Guess when everyone gets a pension and McMansion and highly subsidized healthcare they don't realize that the debt-saddled youth are (and will be) subsidizing it. The whole calculus behind Obamacare = young people who don't need it paying through the roof to subsidize the healthcare of their boomer overlords. It crashes without high youth enrollment.
The calculus is wrong because the young are gaming the system. Opening up Obamacare outside of the signup periods allows Millennials to sign up before they need expensive medical and they drop out after. (Don’t hate the player, hate the game). Boomers don’t have anything to do with Obamacare, they’re hammering medicare
Also there’s a better chance the GenX gets the hot poker harder and faster than Millennials with the changing of SS, Medicare, Tax laws on 401k/IRA’s.
College education these days is basically one big transfer of capital from poor millenials to boomer administrators. It's why Dr. Hall, like a true Boomer, gets his McMansion overlooking Brewers Bay and 350k salary while his students are in debt with no prospects.
Millennials aren’t without blame here. Spending $200M to major is X-Studies is downright stupid
I can go on, but you get my point. People wondering why millennials might be jaded should pay closer attention to what's going on.
How can special snowflakes be jaded? Trophy too small for 7th place?
Being jaded was perfected by GenX. Try and glom onto another past generational meme and claim it as your own, its what your generation will be known for (Along with skinny jeans, bad tattoo’s and horrible beards)
Baby boomers are people born during the demographic post–World War II baby boom approximately between the years 1946 and 1964, giving an age range between 51 and 70 as of 2016. Most do not qualify for Medicare or Social Security yet.
As long as you have enough money to get back to the states if you need to, I say go for it! What's the worst that can happen if you're smart and careful.
I stayed in HI for 6 months. Kauai. Its beautiful but the water here is SO much better, clearer and warmer. They do have some pretty dope fish lol and their land with waterfalls is really beautiful. I felt like it was kinda like the states in a lot of respects. I was planning on moving there and decided it wasn't for me. Not the right vibe. I have two sets of friends who live in HI and love it, but they're newbs. I've also met a lot of people who moved to HI and then moved back stateside. I feel the VI is FAR from the stateside feel - hardly any resemblance at all but I love the vibe here. Here... I feel... free.
That being said - do whatever YOU want to do. Money can always be made.
I say start saving NOW. Try to save up 10k. Ask for cash for birthdays, Christmas etc. Graduation presents $$$! When you're done with school, pack a bag buy a one way ticket and come check it out. Make sure you have an O-s!*t fund - that includes enough money to get yourself home and set back up stateside. PLEASE don't bring any animals. Way too many people bring them and can't afford to take them home and dump them. They're put down at the shelter.
You'll be able to get a serving job right off the bat as long as you're not a total idiot. Nov-March will be your money maker months. If you come in September - that's best time to get hired. In my honest opinion - I would not try to come down and start your own design business. I'm a designer - with a degree. I do website design from home and while I am busy now - with local sites and sites all over the world - It took a while to get networked on island if you don't know anyone. Islanders are typically stand-ofish with newbies as they usually leave, its hard not to take that personally. I am so sad that I have so many friends that have left and I've only been here three years.
I'd bring as much cash as you can and find a tiny studio. I can't deal with roommates so that's why I say studio. They'll run you $500-$700 a month. First last and security so it adds up. If you can find a roommate situation that would cost you less if you can live with a stranger. You really need a car. You don't HAVE to have one but I can tell you, you will be miserable without. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying lol. A beater $2k. I REALLY and truly think $10k a great amount to succeed. That's per person. A couple should bring $20.
Your single, young, no kids or attachments - you'll be fine as long as you don't expect something for nothing. In many ways life is MUCH harder here... but the view make you forget (most) of it. There's no right way and there's no wrong way. As always its what works for you.
OH and the traveling between the islands... yea, sorry girl, that's expensive. If you can look into becoming a deck hand on a yacht - then you'd be in business. I have a few yacht-ie friends and I do get jealous when they send pics of whales from the middle of the ocean or a beach that hasn't seen people in years. You gotta have the.... right look for that. Tall skinny blonde and you look great with no makeup - yea sorry its the truth lol. If you have an accent or big boobs that's a bonus.
The best way to travel from here is actually on cruises. You can book a "last minute" cruises from Puerto Rico for like $300 for 7 days. A plane ticket is $90 in advance so its possible to see lots of islands, albeit for a day only. We've been to a dozen now on cruises although I hate cruising lol. We just eat and drink and when we dock we run away from the masses and explore. So far down island - St. Lucia has been my favorite - Barbados second. I'm fond of the Bahamas too because I love shark diving and dey got big sharks dem!
For what its worth... Costa rica is expensive AF. We just got back a couple months ago. I wasn't impressed. It was OK but its more expensive than the VI now. We literally spent like 4K on a week and we had our hotel paid for - won a Halloween costume contest in STT. I'd WAY rather spend that to go back to Africa or somewhere else. Wildlife was pretty amazing but people weren't friendly at all. Paris gets a bad wrap for being unfriendly but the Parisians (sp?) were more friendly than in CR. We did some class 4 white water rating in CR and that was one of the must fun things Ive ever done. I live to travel so I get it. I see a good deal and I just book it and work my butt off up until trip time. I have really become travel savvy - using my Chase Sapphire card, some special apps and reading a ton of info on whens cheapest to travel to places I want to go. I had two jobs in STT. Now I'm sustaining in STX on just websites and graphics but I MISS the water so much. I dive a couple times a week but its not the same. We did just just booked Portugal / Morocco so that's exciting. Bucket list to buy a Moroccan rug! Traveling while living here CAN be done but you'll need a couple jobs or have amazing discipline with your money. That goes for any island you move to as we all just have a higher cost of living. Its VERY easy to blow your tip money at night partying in red hook lol. I miss red hook!
Last but certainly not least... if you think what Afriend said was rude.... well then you may want to rethink moving here. I'm not saying that to be mean - but to save you $$$ and tears. Sometimes these islands are downright nasty. The people who will welcome you with open arms are few and far between. That's not because they're mean but because we have such a high turnover and wants to make friends who will just leave? Being called depressed is the LEAST of the insults - my personal fav was in STX a lady at the Fsted post parking lot telling me to "go back to the states you white B". Classy. Yep - ya gotta get a thick skin and let that S rollllll off (unless he's a whiny cab driver 😎 ). It's impossible to explain but I believe the islands either accept or reject you. Either you'll assimilate and make it work or it'll spit you out in 6 months or less. If you need makeup and perfect hair - you ain't gonna last sister. 😉
Just "do you"- come, be nice, have fun, swim, party, learn patience, eat local food, make friends, explore and regardless if you stay for a month or 10 years - you'll have memories of one of the most beautiful places I've ever been with some of the most genuine no BS people I have ever met. <3 These rocks!!!!
my personal fav was in STX a lady at the Fsted post parking lot telling me to "go back to the states you white B". Classy.
LOL I feel like there's a hilarious story here that you deprived your moving center family of...
Depressed? In America, there is a big live for work movement. Look around. A bunch of depressed people living for their job that they hate, sitting in commuter traffic that they hate, and complaining that they wish they were doing something else. They are depressed. Not the young person who realizes she wants a little adventure to go along with her work.
I say go for it. You don't have kids, or a man in your life. Have fun. Struggle a little and then laugh about it at the end of the day over drinks with some people you meet at the bar. Meet friends with a boat. And make sure you have the money to get home when you are ready. Or maybe you'll never be ready. I met a guy in key west who was a bartender. He came to Key West on vacation from Ireland and never left. Sent for his things. Have fun. You'll be fine. Disclaimer...I don't live there... just thinking about it...
And it looks to me like you are doing some planning. Researching ahead of time..
You gotta have the.... right look for that. Tall skinny blonde and you look great with no makeup - yea sorry its the truth lol. If you have an accent or big boobs that's a bonus.
Some additional suggestions:
- waist to heap ratio of 0.62
- long hair
- full lips
- big eyes
- smooth skin
- small feet
- long fingers
- long neck
- narrow shoulders
- well shaped navel
- symmetrical face
- red outfits
- air of innocence and vulnerability
my personal fav was in STX a lady at the Fsted post parking lot telling me to "go back to the states you white B". Classy.
Haha. My personal favorite was also in Fsted, when a fellow told me, "I am not particularly interested in talking to white tourists." As it turned out, he was a tourist, too!
You gotta have the.... right look for that. Tall skinny blonde and you look great with no makeup - yea sorry its the truth lol. If you have an accent or big boobs that's a bonus.
Some additional suggestions:
- waist to heap ratio of 0.62
- long hair
- full lips
- big eyes
- smooth skin
- small feet
- long fingers
- long neck
- narrow shoulders
- well shaped navel
- symmetrical face
- red outfits
- air of innocence and vulnerability
For someone with these specs my boat is always available.
HAHAHAHA) so true Wanderer! They're so fun to look at - the men's yachties are always from Australia or somewhere with a sexy accent lol!
I wish my post office story had a funny plot line. It was my first week in Fsted after moving into our place. I went in the exit at the post office - off the main road instead of going around to what I know now as the entrance - there were no signs. This little WI lady looks at me and puts her hand up and starts yelling at me but I'm blocked in with traffic behind me. That was the last phrase I heard. They've put up an exit sign now that's about 6x6 INCHES lol. It was pretty absurd but not even in my top 5 WTF moments in my STX experience.
You gotta have the.... right look for that. Tall skinny blonde and you look great with no makeup - yea sorry its the truth lol. If you have an accent or big boobs that's a bonus.
Some additional suggestions:
- waist to heap ratio of 0.62
- long hair
- full lips
- big eyes
- smooth skin
- small feet
- long fingers
- long neck
- narrow shoulders
- well shaped navel
- symmetrical face
- red outfits
- air of innocence and vulnerabilityFor someone with these specs my boat is always available.
LOL Love this!
They're so fun to look at - the men's yachties are always from Australia or somewhere with a sexy accent lol!
This prompted me to do some research. Apparently, the world's sexiest accents are Australian, Spanish, Italian, Irish, and French. And the world's un-sexiest accents are Chinese and Japanese.
Any idea why this might be the case? My theory is that it has to do with the intonation, rather than pronunciation. For example, when Italians speak, it sounds like a violin. When the Chinese speak, it sounds like a percussive instrument.
I think because it seems exotic. Honestly to me theres very few that sound exotic. Also LOVE African dialects. To be honest I love the WI dialect and Frenchie too. Wish I talked like that 🙁 I'm so boring lol.
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