addr for Div of Motor Vehicles
Could someone kindly provide me with the physical addresses (and phone numbers, if possible) for the Div of Motor Vehicles in St. Thomas and St. Croix ? Also, what part of the USVI gov't does the DMV belong to ? A "Dept of Public Safety" or some such ?
If that gov't div has a website, a URL would be most welcome, too.
Than ks!
Quite frankly speaking, ask your questions here, you will get the answers.
They do belong to the Department of Public Safety.
The phone numbers are:
St. Thomas (340)774-5765
St. Croix (340)713-4268
Like Ronnie suggested if you have any specific questions of services the DMV offers you might ask them here. OR give them a call and ask and get the mailing address.
Getting ready to take ownership of a place on Water Island that comes with a couple of vehicles that the owner says were purchased as "totaled" or wrecks but seem to get around nicely on Water Island. Officially I suppose these vehicles should be registered, with license plates, and insurance. Unofficially, I'm not sure that they do and the current owner is very elderly, not in good health and I'm having trouble getting a response. Bottom line: What to do about these vehicles? I don't know that they would pass any inspection even after we got them over to St. Thomas (and how do we do that?). If left unregistered and uninsured, how tricky is that on Water Island?
The majority of cars on Water Island are not registered. You will see old plates, really old plates, cars without doors, golf carts on the road, plateless cars...
Here is the scoop from the last time I asked a resident... the DMV on St. Thomas is responsiable for Water Islands car registration, the public works in responsiable for their roads, overall all St. Thomas offices are responisable for both St. Thomas and Water Island.... however this doesn't work. So residents on Water Island, 161 strong the last census, have formed a Water Island Civic Association. This group meets regularly at Honeymoon Bay, and they do beach cleanups, island cleanups, they take care of their own roads and I was told they send the bill to the VI gov't to get reimbursed for the materials and work. Its an interesting set up. Further I was told that their cars are suppose to be in theory registered however the Civic Association told DMV they would not pay the expense of renting a barge and barging all the cars over to St. Thomas and back (which to answer your question is the only way to get your car from Water Island to St. Thomas - privately rent a barge to get it over - there is no regular car ferry, just a small passenger launch type ferry that can hold maybe 2 dozen people) and the DMV said they also would not pay for the cars to get from Water Island to St. Thomas. The Civic Association suggested DMV send an inspector over to Water Island to inspect the cars and DMV said they aren't doing that either.... soooo it continues just like that. Many Water Island cars are truly Island Cars and would not pass inspection - you are right, but its just how Water Island operates, with so few people everyone knows each other and they know whos car is whos and the cars can't go anywhere (in terms of theft the island is only about 490 acres total), and there is no police force if an accident should happen so I would think the residents of this tight little community work things out among themselves should a fender bender happen. There aren't that many places to drive, there is only one stop sign and last time I was there it was painted turqoise and pink rather the traditional colors, there is an iguana crossing sign too I think. There is no gas station by the way, if you didn't know that, and I believe the ferry driver or another resident takes gas cans over to St. Thomas, fills them all up on an honor system brings them back to Water Island and then the residents come and pick up the gas cans and pays him. Or you can do this yourself. A lot of people have dinghys which they use to get themselves back and forth with. I am not sure about insurance -I am sure some of the newer cars might have insurance and some might not.
Have you been to Water Island? Do you know anyone there?
Thanks for the comprehensive answer. I suspected the story would go something like that. Nope. Don't know anyone on Water Island yet but am looking forward to it. Thanks again for your experienced response.
I believe thay are insured, and put some sort of sticker in the windows to show it? Lastt ime i was there(March) I think that's what I was told.
A related Question barely..
I read in the Settlers Handbook that a blood test is required for a drivers license. Can anyone tell me why??
The application for a drivers permit/license ask what your blood type is. If you don't know what it is then you have to take a blood test to find out.
There are other health related questions on there also - a doctor and/or eye doctor needs to fill it out and stamp it.
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