A request for aid
I have received an appeal on behalf of Clifton Lewis, a prisoner in Golden Grove Correctional Facility, St. Croix. He has no family on St. Croix and is in need of underwear and toilet articles. He also needs shorts and shirts. All clothing must be white, grey or orange.
Donations, according to prison staff, must be mailed to Golden Grove in USPS flat-rate boxes. His address is Mr. Clifton Lewis, c/o Golden Grove Adult Correctional Facility, RR 1, PO Box 9955, Kingshill, St. Croix, USVI 00850.
Your kidding right??? I would give him a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I would give him some advice though, IF YOU DON'T DO THE CRIME, YOU WON'T DO THE TIME!
Geez...everyone else in Golden Grove is using cell phones, sleeping with female guards, watching TV and eating three squares a day. Maybe this guy has a problem making friends...or he's a child sex offender. I agree with mtdoramike in any case.
He was guilty of brutally stabbing to death a(nother) homeless man and sentenced to 50 years. Make up your own minds:
Yea I totally want to help this guy... WTF. That article makes me sick... he is not the victim. Have some personal accountability.
I am not in any way condoning what he did, nor am I oppsed to the sentence he recieved but this man was a victim as well, of a society that would allow him to remain homeless on the street for almost all his life, begging for money with a minimal 7th grade education and who knows what psychological disorders. I think it's tragic, all around. We should be able to show some compassion for those less fortunate and not be so quick to condemn and turn away. That's how he ended up where he is today.
I am not in any way condoning what he did, nor am I oppsed to the sentence he recieved but this man was a victim as well, of a society that would allow him to remain homeless on the street for almost all his life, begging for money with a minimal 7th grade education and who knows what psychological disorders. I think it's tragic, all around. We should be able to show some compassion for those less fortunate and not be so quick to condemn and turn away. That's how he ended up where he is today.
The system fails people all the time but the majority doesn't end up brutally stabbing to death another human being. Yes, there is a tragedy all around - but the good news is that he's probably eating a darn sight better and sleeping in a darn sight more comfortable cot, courtesy of that system, than he ever did on the streets.
HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAAH! Yep he is totally the victim. Give me a freaking break. If it was your dad or brother that he had murdered would he still be "failed by society". Holy crap is this what the worlds has come to? Take a life and dont take accountability and become the victim? Good lord help us all!
I hate the "system fails people". Thats totally bullshit. You are a human, blessed with a brain and you are able to make your own choices, your own destiny. You have the ability to fail or succeed - it all depends on how much work you're willing to put in. The system didn't fail anyone; that person failed themselves. The bottom line is you are in your position in life based on YOUR actions... not the systems. Personally I believe that is the main and possibly the only reason we are all in so much trouble, people want to blame everyone but themselves for their problems. Redic.
Oh I'm sure I will be told that I am totally wrong.... in 3......2......1.......
I am not in any way condoning what he did, nor am I opposed to the sentence he received but this man was a victim as well, of a society that would allow him to remain homeless on the street for almost all his life, begging for money with a minimal 7th grade education and who knows what psychological disorders. I think it's tragic, all around. We should be able to show some compassion for those less fortunate and not be so quick to condemn and turn away. That's how he ended up where he is today.
The system fails people all the time but the majority doesn't end up brutally stabbing to death another human being. Yes, there is a tragedy all around - but the good news is that he's probably eating a darn sight better and sleeping in a darn sight more comfortable cot, courtesy of that system, than he ever did on the streets.
As I said, "I do not in any way condone what he did nor the sentence received." I agree with you, OT.
However, I do not see anything wrong with having a bit of compassion for this tragic situation as which whatever religious belief system you have should have taught you by now. Laugh all you want Aa&A2VI. You are entittled to your opinion.
Can I ask a related question? Isn't Corrections responsible for the basic needs of the inmates?
Yes, but the word (Basic) in the key here. No fancy undies, no fancy shampoo or snacks or smokes from the commissary. That is where the inmate gets money from relatives to supply them with things other than their basic needs.

I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous beyond belief.
Is this a joke? How/why did you receive an appeal? He should be getting these basics from Corrections.
I have received an appeal on behalf of Clifton Lewis, a prisoner in Golden Grove Correctional Facility, St. Croix. He has no family on St. Croix and is in need of underwear and toilet articles. He also needs shorts and shirts. All clothing must be white, grey or orange.
Donations, according to prison staff, must be mailed to Golden Grove in USPS flat-rate boxes. His address is Mr. Clifton Lewis, c/o Golden Grove Adult Correctional Facility, RR 1, PO Box 9955, Kingshill, St. Croix, USVI 00850.Thanks,
I am with EE. Corrrections is supposed to house, feed, clothe, take care of health wise everything he needs. That's the system right? I am sure he isn't the only one in there without family. Perhaps the Salvation Army should be contacted. Don't know why the OP asked was or there is something missing as to why they were asked? So, PT I would suggest you contact the SA with the info.
Getting what he deserves!
No, this is not a joke and I'm not even going to say something like "...and I only wish it was." Things finally caught up with Clifton given what I know of his background and given the lack of what we would call "community support." I put this "request" out there so whoever wanted to could respond, or not.
The information I have is from a reliable source. Until a year or so ago Mr. Lewis was part of a homeless relief program and as such was under fairly regular supervision. The climate being what it is in St. Croix, he was able to survive - nobody would say "live" - in the bush and on the street. I was surprised to learn that Clifton was the same guy who hung out near a bus shanty on Centerline Road begging, or demanding, quarters from driver's stopped for the light. He was doing well at the program, occasionally running off - hence the nickname - when his old life called him back. He received medical care and I don't know if there was a psychological assessment. At one point his remaining teeth were extracted, which I thought cruel but seemed medically justified at the time.
Better off in jail? At this point, certainly. I was told the prison only supplies the orange jumpsuit but this may be inaccurate. My source says that unlike other inmates he has no one on-island who can send him clothing or money and this prompted my appeal.
I didn't know what to expect when I was first introduced to him. He was pleasant and had the common courtesies, as much as could be expected coming from the presumed isolation and struggle of living rough on the street or the bush. The man he killed I know nothing about but he probably shared a similar background.
Specifically, the judge in Clifton's case ruled against the 5-year plea bargain, as the news report says, and imposed a 50-year sentence instead. I was told "everybody knows Clifton" and perhaps a jury trial would have given a different outcome. I am not a lawyer.
Finally, I must say I could never work successfully in social services. These people, including police and school teachers, need to have hearts and souls armored with a special material rarely found here on Earth; something like kyptonite. They need this armor to protect themselves from the inexplicable cock-ups that plague such well-intentioned individuals on St. Croix and I'm sure everywhere else.
Thanks for the opportunity to explain,
I hate the "system fails people". Thats totally bullshit. You are a human, blessed with a brain and you are able to make your own choices, your own destiny. You have the ability to fail or succeed - it all depends on how much work you're willing to put in. The system didn't fail anyone; that person failed themselves. The bottom line is you are in your position in life based on YOUR actions... not the systems. Personally I believe that is the main and possibly the only reason we are all in so much trouble, people want to blame everyone but themselves for their problems. Redic.
Oh I'm sure I will be told that I am totally wrong.... in 3......2......1.......
I am just going to assume you have never read anything on sociology. If what you said is true how many women presidents of the usa have you seen? Women just do not have the intelligence or to lazy to work to achieve such a position? The next time a job pays you less than a man, just remember your opinion and ignore the facts. The system is not fair and the system does fail people.
lol I am not a sociology major - no. I simply refuse to be "the victim". I don't blame anyone for my choices. and accept consequences of my actions. If I need more money I get a better job, if I need to learn a skill I learn it. I also don't compare men vs women, black vs white, gay vs straight.... that what you've mentioned is racism. Im just a person like everyone else.
I think you missed my point anyways. Feeling sorry for a murderer is just not something that I have in me. He choose to intentionally take someones life. Someones father, son, brother. The system has NO part in this.
he did make his choice and now he has to pay for what he did. some people seem to be just born evil and some just seem to have circumstances they can not handle and make horrible choices due to those circumstances.
most people have good in them even those who commit crimes. maybe for some of those, if the system was better able to deal with certain issues he might not have done what he did.
I agree.
I'm going to make an educated assumption that the jail on STX is worse than the hospital on STX. The hospital I know, first hand, is HORRENDOUS at providing basic services. Therefore, I find it wholly beliveable that his basic needs are not being provided for.
People to to prison AS punishment, not FOR punishment. There is a difference.
Is this a joke? How/why did you receive an appeal? He should be getting these basics from Corrections.
I have received an appeal on behalf of Clifton Lewis, a prisoner in Golden Grove Correctional Facility, St. Croix. He has no family on St. Croix and is in need of underwear and toilet articles. He also needs shorts and shirts. All clothing must be white, grey or orange.
Donations, according to prison staff, must be mailed to Golden Grove in USPS flat-rate boxes. His address is Mr. Clifton Lewis, c/o Golden Grove Adult Correctional Facility, RR 1, PO Box 9955, Kingshill, St. Croix, USVI 00850.Thanks,
lol I am not a sociology major - no. I simply refuse to be "the victim". I don't blame anyone for my choices. and accept consequences of my actions. If I need more money I get a better job, if I need to learn a skill I learn it. I also don't compare men vs women, black vs white, gay vs straight.... that what you've mentioned is racism. Im just a person like everyone else.
I think you missed my point anyways. Feeling sorry for a murderer is just not something that I have in me. He choose to intentionally take someones life. Someones father, son, brother. The system has NO part in this.
I understand your point and I think what PT said was very well said to show why we should have empathy. In some ways you are right about working hard. However sociology we know not everyone starts life at the same point. Some especially light skin males tend to start closer to the finish line. So why I mentioned to you as a female have little to no chance to be the president. I wont go into details but it is very important to compare race and sex.
A interesting fun fact is statistics show judges give harsher sentences right before lunch than compared to after lunch. This always makes me smile because the system can be unfair because people tend to be cranky when hungry. However a judge will always most likely claim this is not true. That they are fair and impartial.
IMO...once again...if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.. No excuses. Period! If you break the law, you have to pay the piper, so to speak. Let the underfunded, corrupt VI Gov't take care of all the inmates. I do feel sorry for the people who don't have family to take care of them while they are incarcerated. . In the continental United States, individual state governments take care of all basic needs of said prisoners. This is what our tax dollars are for. If the VI Gov't can't provide even the basic needs of prisoners, then the islands are indeed in a sorry state of affairs.
If the VI Gov't can't provide even the basic needs of prisoners, then the islands are indeed in a sorry state of affairs.
The Golden Grove facility has it's share of problems but I've never heard of any prisoner there walking around unclothed and unfed or without basic toiletries.
From what I know from some program involvement in the states, every system we've known of/encountered has the same issue. I was surprised to learn that inmates at all of the ones we had programs at had to obtain their own personal items..I think it was underwear, socks, toiletries, things like notepads, pens and pencils as well. They could either get someone to send or deliver them, depending on the system, or could buy at outrageous prices from a commissary-like store, using funds deposited by someone on the outside. Some places they had to be new items still in original packaging, had a limit on number of items they could have, certain colors and styles only, etc. Sounds like stx is not so particular on some of this. One place, the inmates used to say they needed thermal underwear because it was so cold inside.
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