A PMV to STX - with a moral to the story-LONG!
Thanks to all of you, particularly Cleric, Ric and Linda, Linda from Michigan and others who made our PMV to STX last week....well, almost perfect.
We arrived on STX on Monday, found our new home (which we rented sight unseen because the landlords would let us bring our three dogs!...another story for another day). We cruised the island for 3 days in total bliss, very happy with our new surroundings. My husband will be moving in about 2 weeks and I will follow as soon as I can. I cannot say enough good things about the locals and continentals on STX - we met one person on our rounds that was slightly less than friendly, but it certainly wasn't toward us - she apparently was having a bad mail day at the local post office. Everything on island was almost exactly as described on this board, particularly people giving directions. Forget road numbers, they mean nothing. Learn your bays, Centerline, and where the two towns are located and you'll be able to scoot around in no time!
I am posting this part of our PMV as a caution to others - never in a million years would we dream we would have to tell this story...Wednesday night we met some folks from this board at a local beach hangout on the north shore and had a wonderful 2 1/2 hours visiting, listening to music, and having some Cruzan Confusion (which WILL cause confusion on an empty stomach!). This particular spot closes at 9:00 - one of our party had already left and we waved goodbye to a couple of others and started to our car, which was probably parked 100 feet or so from the restaurant. I'd like to make note here that we were not intoxicated or acting stupid, but we were BEING stupid and not paying attention to our surroundings. We got into the car - I was driving - and were fastening our seatbelts when something slammed into the driver's door very hard - the door then flew open and a man with a bandana over his face, a white shoulder length wig, and a stocking cap stuck what we think was a blue steel 9 mm behind my left ear and demanded that we give him "all the stuff". I completely froze - my husband kept saying, "man, you've got it, you've got it"...he was trying to reach around for his wallet. The man reached across me, grabbed my purse, and was gone...he had driven up on us while we were parked, apparently without his headlights on, and blocked our car in where we couldn't have left if we'd had the presence of mind to try. He jumped into the car, which was driven by someone else, and was gone - and no one in the restaurant even knew anything had happened until we slid sideways into the gravel in front and I came out of the car screaming. The employees were wonderful and called the police - two or three times - and they never showed up. We were finally told to drive to LaRhane (I know that's spelled wrong!) to file a report....so we made the 20 minute or so drive at 10:00 at night on unfamiliar roads, scared out of our wits. The police officer at the desk had no idea what we were talking about but located a detective who showed up about 15 minutes later and took our statement. The detective and the officer were as nice as they could be, but at no time did I hear them put out a bulletin about what had happened or notify anyone else...but maybe the radio operator did that or it came later, I don't know.
We were fortunate. We lost my purse, a digital camera, my i.d., a cell phone - and the $1 I had in my billfold.
My point to this story is not to place blame on the police department - far from that. My point is that we were a little too comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings and weren't paying attention. Things like this happen every day in every town...but in retrospect, if I had been out at 9:00 at night in my current hometown of 30,000 people, I would have been more attentive to what was going on around me - I would have had my head up and my eyes open and been more cautious. This was a terrible occurrence, but perhaps one that could have been avoided if we had left with others or just simply been aware.
We have had many people, even the local Cruzans, ask us if we still intend to move to the island, and the answer is still "yes!!!" -it is a lovely place, with the friendliest of people. Still, we have learned a valuable lesson, and one that won't soon be forgotten.
Remember that many of us rent a car when on island - and all of those rental cars look pretty much the same - they have clear glass on the windows with a big old honkin' red sticker reminding us to drive left on the front windshield. These cars can be spotted a block away, and I truly believe these locals were laying in wait for us - there was one identical car next to ours, but we were at the end of the parking area. I have no doubt that had the drivers of the other car left before us, it would have been them telling this story.
Please don't carry large amounts of cash or valuables. Big purses that are stuffed full indicate there might be goodies in there...keep your head up and WAKE UP. There's simply no good reason for putting yourself in a bad position....yes, it happens everywhere...it's a shame it happened at all, and particularly in such a wonderful locale....but it DOES happen and we need to all make sure that first and foremost we think safety, whether a resident or a vactioner.
May the two young men who took my purse enjoy the dollar....I hope they spend it wisely.
Becky R
Dear Becky,
You wrote an incredible post about a horrible event and my heart goes out to you because not only do I well understand and empathize with the ordeal you went through but you also have taken the time to send an upbeat message to everyone and a warning to be always on guard.
I was victimized at my place of business six years ago and a good friend of mine was killed during the robbery. Well-meaning friends suggested I move my business to another location but I was damned if I was going to have all my hard work sabotaged by some young punks. My business suffered enormously for over two years and would have failed completely were it not for people with the same attitude as yourself who realized that it could have happened anywhere at any time and continued to support me. The gossip mill ran rampant for almost three years with the most incredible stories circulating about drug deals, etc.
Suffice it to say that this experience will certainly take a bit of a toll on you but your gut instinct in writing it down is right on and shows a strength of character and innate wisdom which will only strengthen you in the long run.
One can only hope that the $1 the two got from you went towards the purchase of some really bad crack...hope springs eternal...
Keep the faith and, again, thanks for a great post.

I am sooooo sorry. We left the parking lot while you were almost to your car. I can't say that I was any more observant. We should have waited for you guys - especially since you are new to the island. Wow! Guess we all need to be more observant.
I'm glad you guys are ok. And that it didn't shake your convictions about moving here. Maybe your past profession has helped you already here.
I wish you would have called the cell number - maybe you didn't have it - we would have come back and helped however we could.
Whatever I can do to help you out - with anything - let me know. PM me here.
With prayers,
Linda Adler
I am sick about what happened to you and Russell. I'm afraid I was as naive as you about feeling we were safe there. I am so sorry.
I admire your spirit and look forward to seeing you soon.
Wow. Thanks for the insight. You are very brave. My husband and I willbe moving there in July and this is a great lesson to bring with us. I appreciate you sharing the story. Please post anything else you learn that you think would be helpful to "incomers." Thanks again!!
The robbery itself would have been scary enough, but the gun is what is the most terrifying. I travel to STX by myself, & I know not to put myself into bad situations...I know that I myself will not be carrying large amounts of cash with me...so that if that situation arises, I won't be out of too much. I am glad that you guys are okay & that your plans have not changed..take care & remain diligent ;0)
I am so sorry about your incident. We do have idiots on our island. Please don't let them discourage you because we have a lot of really great people here. Look forward to seeing you and Russel when you come back. You have experienced the worst STX has to offer, so it's all up from here.
I am hoping to move to St.Thomas in September.
I have to say that reading about all this crime is really upsetting and making me wonder if I will be safe not. The police don't seem to care or respond which is really scary. What can be done to keep the peace and tranquility of the islands?
Why don't the police care? Why are they so unresponsive? That is just horrible and really hard to believe. Sounds like if you go down there you are truly on your own, maybe you will be lucky maybe you will not.
It is a real shame that one has to be so on guard in Paradise..
Sailorgirl, I'm going to step up to the plate on this one - in one of my former lives I was a Little Rock police officer, so my feelings are hurt that this happened to me! 🙂
It IS upsetting - it IS horrible - but it is what it is. Just because the scenery is prettier doesn't mean everything is roses.
I wrote to Islander before making the initial post because the last thing we wanted was anything inflammatory, or anything that would cast a black mark on the islands. But I did feel that people needed to hear that it isn't all Rum Runners and sunsets - thugs are everywhere. I wanted to point out that I think we get all grogged out from the sunshine and wonderful people and forget that there is danger almost everywhere.
We were scared senseless. While I was an officer, I looked down the wrong side of a gun many a time - but I never really saw things from the victim's side until 5 days ago. Do I wish the police had responded? Oh, absolutely - I wish they had come screaming into the parking lot with all kinds of folks and had stopped every single car on the island that was moving that even bore a resemblance to what we described. I wish someone had taken some initiative to actually look in the area for my purse - we went back the next morning without success. In my eyes, this was serious - having your purse snatched is one thing, having a gun pointed at you is quite another. I wish, I wish...yes, I wish they had done their job, but I also don't know WHAT they did after the report was filed. What I wish most of all? That we had used good common sense, the same sense we use in our little west Arkansas town.
STX closes down pretty early - there aren't a lot of folks running the streets. You can bet your bottom dollar we'll be in the "early to bed" group from now on....I have to believe this is not a real common occurrence, because everyone we talked to was pretty incredulous (even the police asked "are you SURE?") Yes, I am absolutely sure of what happened...I also know if they had dragged in 12 people for me to look at, I could not have possibly identified this man that I actually saw due to his disguise unless he had been holding my purse in his hands. Although I WISH the police had been more proactive, the truth is that WE must be more proactive.
Sorry, I hit Post instead of Preview!
We heard something as we were leaving about splitting the police departments and having a chief on every island rather than one chief with a bunch of assistants - it made sense to me, but I don't understand it all, so I won't even try to explain it.
Bottom line is - if we make ourselves safe, then we don't have to depend on the police as much, which apparently would be a good thing. I just want everyone to take care...if you eliminate a criminal's opportunity to make you a statistic, it's better than having a police officer on every corner.
I will say this - the police seemed to be concentrated in C'sted, but it looked like they have moved out of F'sted (?) - what's up with that? STX is much different than we had pictured it - there are lots of wide open spaces, and you can drive for a ways without passing another car, even in the daytime. That may change as season gets underway, but for now it's a fact. I would definitely suggest doing some light exploration with someone else in the daytime. You'll find out rather quickly where you don't want to be when the sun goes down. I'd like to make it clear we were NOT in one of those areas...so this falls under the heading of S*@# happens. It shouldn't, but it does. Sad but true - Every problem that is in the States is also in the islands. Even Paradise has warts...
Becky R
Becky R,
We join the others in saying Thank God neither of you were injured. But, also, thanks for a well-written piece. We, too were at that same "northside, beach bar" only a few weeks ago, and also parked down about 100 yards (the only place to park, because it was a Saturday night).We also walked blissfully to our car with no attention to our surroundings in an unfamiliar place.
Its a good reminder for all of us.
We will soon be making STX our home, and its good to remember that all kinds of people exist everywhere.
This is what I love about this board, all the great advice, help and awesome people! I previously posted that my husband is being considered for a job down there and we may very well end up on the islands.
We also lived in Las Vegas for over 4 years and believe me, talk about crime, but it was mostly directed at tourists because when you are "visiting" the thugs see that you do let your guard down and relax more than a local would.
Thank you Becky, for posting such an honest account, it doesn't scare me, it makes me realize that paradise has problems too!
Others have said that thugs are everywhere, its a sad but true statement. We currently live in a "nice" neighborhood that our van has been vandalized 3 times, a shooting took place(domestic violence husband against the wife)just 3 houses away! So, crime is everywhere.
I am glad to hear that you survived it and are still excited about living there. Perhaps if we get down that way, we can meet!
Take care,
Hi BeckyR,
We had similar experience with the Police on our PMV. We had gone to Coki Point on STT. It looked like a great beach with the Aquarium of Coral World on one side. We had all our stuff in a back pack thatI was carrying around with me, a fanny pack was inside with my cell phone, license credit card and $20. I never would have carried around my license and credit card but we had taken the dollar bus to the beach and we going to stop at the store on the way back to get some groceries. We were on STT for a look at schools for my son as I was waitng to hear about a job in the schools as a Physical Therapist.
Well we went down to the beach and put the backpack near a group of people and jumped in. Came out 5 min later and the backpack was gone. I asked the people if they saw anyone take it and they said NO. Well I know how you feel I grew up in a big city and at home would never have left my bag out, like you said guess we let our guard down. Well after loooking for 2 hours with the help of employees at the beach who were so nice nothing was found and calling the police who never showed up The woman even called my cell no and a kid answered my phone. One of the waiters who helped us gave us his tip money to get back on the bus to go downtown. I felt bad taking all his tips but he said he had been robbed when he first moved to STT and wanted to help. Well on the way back on the bus people were so nice, here we were in bathing suits and towels, luckily they didn't take our shoes and they couldn't beleieve someone would do that. Well this is getting long too sorry guys. We went to the Police Station downtown to report the crime. i was just hoping to get back my license for an id, as the woman at the beach had loaned me her cell phone to cancel my credit card and suspend service on my phone. The police officer behind the desk took the report very uninterested and said I could get a copy the next day. Well after calling the airlines cause we were going home in 2 days I learned I needed the Police report cause I had no picture id to get out of STT. I went back to the Police Station for the next 2 days to be told the report wasn't ready. On the day before we were to leave I went back once again and was told it still wasn't there. I went up to the window where i had filed the original report and spoke with the officer, he found my report in a file of unfinished paperwork. I asked what I should do knowing I needed the report, he said the officer was on at 3 pm come back they needed to finish the report and have it signed by the supervisor before I could get a copy. Well back I went at 3 pm to sit there for 3 hours until the a copy of the report was handed to me.
Moral of my story, a few idoits do not a country make. We let down our guard and were careless, but we also met alot of very nice people. My son who was crying that night kept saying I don't want to move here. I sat him down and we talked. I told him we live in a small town now were we have become lax and maybe a little too trusting. I then pointed out all the nice people who helped us even though they didn't know us. We are still trying to relocate to STT if my job comes thru.
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