A Few Questions
Whats up everyone hope life is treating you well.
I used to live on St. Thomas about six years ago and I am wanting to move back. I truely miss the beach, sun and the laid back island lifestyle. However, I am curious about a few tings. 🙂
For the past 6 months I have been a full time student and working as a server at a fairly nice restaurant in my area. So I am curious if these server jobs are readily available on St. Thomas? (I used to work at Lindy's on St. Thomas back when it was open.) Also when would be the ideal time to go down there? During peak tourist time?
I am thinking of going in april unless adviced differently. Thank in advance for your help guys.
Although I'm not on STT, I'm on STX, I have some insight into the service industry. I worked as a bartender/server on STX for 2 years and made a great deal of money working only 4 nights a week. Peak tourist season for STX is just around the corner. "SEASON" starts up at Thanksgiving and continues thru mid April. If you're thinking about coming down in April, it might be almost too late in the season.
More thoughts on the subject....Server jobs on STX are currently being filled for "season". I think it's safe to assume the service industry on STT is doing the same thing. You'll need a Health Card for this type of work. You might also want to consider that housing/rental prices are higher than they were 6 years ago.
Just a question or two about the service industry. My move is planned for June 2007 and I know that is the off season but I was curious if there is still work available in the service industry. I have a 4 year degree in Hospitality and Restaurant Admin. so I hope that might be a help. I know you said you worked for 2 years in the industry and I was just wondering if you were able to make enough to get through the off season?
Thanks alot,
The 2 yrs I worked as a bartender/server 4 nights a week, that was my only job. I left the service industry when a permanent, full time job with benefits came my way. I still made good money in the summer months (off season). There is work in the service industry in the summer months. If you have a 4 year degree in Hospitality adn Restaurant Admin. you might want to get your resume together and send it to the hotel/restaurant/resorts on island and start feeling them out. If you won'd mind working as a waitress or bartender to start off with, I would think you wouldn't have a problem getting a job in June. Like everyone else on this board will tell you, be prepared financially to start up with housing, car, insurance, etc. till your employed. Don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions.
Thank you very much for the advice but I have a couple more questions. AJB.org is a great job site and has great opportunities in STX, do you think it would be a good idea to send out resumes before I arrive even though people say its generally hard to get a job off island? Do managers promote transplants to other mgt positions often if they show they are more then just seasonal workers in the service industry?
I know the beginning month is going to be hard work getting settled in but I can't hardly wait for the challenge. It's great to know service jobs are available because though I am financially prepared money doesn't last forever. On a different note did it take long to make friends when you first moved and is there much of a dating scene on STX for a 22 yr. old straight guy?
Thanks again
Thank you so much for your reply. It is great to hear from someone who has actually worked in the service industry. 🙂
Just wondering.... if the jobs are easy to find and keep or if its a seasonal thing?
I loved working in the service industry. The place I worked was a great beach bar/restaurant/hotel on the north shore. It's been my experience that service industry workers usually stay loyal to one place. If you're good at what you do, i.e. giving great table service as a wait person or are a good bartender, your employer won't want you to go anywhere else regardless if its "season" or "off season". However, money tends to be less during the summer months. "Season" pay was great. (at least for me). You've got to be able to deal with alot of different personalities in the industry, locals and visitors alike. I'll admit to having to "bite my tongue" sometimes when I'd have to make way too many frozen fruity drinks in one night! 🙂 Finding a job and keeping it will be up to you.
You might want to check with the major hotels on island. The Divi Carina Bay Resort & Casino, Carambola Beach Resort, or the Buccaneer. These are the 3 biggies on island. I see ads every so often in the local newspaper (Avis) where one if not all 3 are hiring. Hard to say what'll be happening in June 2007. Its almost better to be here on island and appear in person. As far as the meeting people/dating scene....Tough for me to say. There are alot of people in your age group and making friends is pretty easy here. Living on St. Croix to me is a little like living in a small town. The longer you live here, the more people you know. Sometimes it does feel like living in "Mayberry", you can't go anywhere without seeing someone you know. You'll be fine!
Thanks alot TxSissy, it's great to have reassurance when make such a big change like this
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your advice. It gives me a little more to go on. 🙂
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