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A few more questions

Posts: 4
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Thanks to everyone that replied. Your answers have helped quite a bit. They’ve also brought up some more questions I hope you don’t mind answering.

First, to answer Marty’s question, yes, I was talking about WWF type wrestling although what I do is Puroreso ( a Japanese style of wrestling that is more athletic and closer to amateur wrestling). Puerto Rico runs Thurs. – Sun night. All of this, I’m sure, is of no interest to anyone. Although for me, a few weeks work could pay living expenses for a few months on the islands.

My reasons for mentioning it and my other work experiences was for no other reason than to express my willingness to do just about anything to accomplish my goal; which is to live on the island. I have a strong back and a very strong work ethic.

I am just a bit nervous about being able to pay my way. I plan a pre-move scouting trip and then plan to stay in temporary housing for a week to a month. Is it a reasonable expectation to be able to find work and a decent place to live in this amount of time? How much money will I need to feel relatively secure during this time?

From what I’ve gathered a bartender should be able to earn $150- 200 per shift. Are servers comparable or a little less? Would you make more at an upscale place or high volume? I prefer upscale and the service it requires, but again, I need to pay the bills.

I tried to work out a reasonable budget for living on the islands. I’ve come up w/ :
Apart.- $750- 1050 studio or 1 bedroom
Elec.- Included in most rentals??? If not, how much?
Food- $300
Supps.- $200 I’m a diet freak. My friends make fun of me enough for this.
Car- $150
Health- $150 Just catastrophic. I’m young and healthy.
Gas- $250
Savings and retirement- $550
Entertainment- $600. Is this reasonable???
Phone- $75 I think my cell phone will work there.

This works out to be $2,275 w/o housing. That would add another $1,000 or so and a grand total of $39,300 per year. Are my numbers reasonable? Is that income attainable for someone w/ my background and work ethic. I’m more than willing to work 2 jobs. I’m used to 60 hour weeks as it is. I will either come w/ a vehicle or have money for one.

Thanks so much for your time.


Posted : January 17, 2005 6:45 pm
Posts: 3030

Hello B,

Depends on when you are moving. Right now apartments are more difficult to find but when season ends around May, there should be more availabilities as seasonal employees head to their next destination. Some folks report finding a place within a day or two of getting there, others it takes a few weeks to find what they like/want.

Your numbers seem ok and are attainable with one good paying job or two ok paying jobs. $600 on entertainment a month - WOW. So you are budgeting more for entertainment then food or perhaps you plan to eat out a lot :-). Whats your car & gas monies for... I figured car was gas/car but then saw gas by itself?


Posted : February 7, 2005 9:42 pm
Posts: 4
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Thanks for the reply. As of now, I plan to move around Oct. I will be doing a pre-move scouting trip before. I'm wrapping up the things in my life here a little quicker than expected so I could move a few months earlier if that would help but, from what I read, Oct. is good.

I plan to work two jobs at least until I figure things out. I also will have a little money in case I stumble upon a business opportunity along the way. I'm a hustler (Pete Rose type not a crook) who doesn't mind work.

As far as my numbers, $600 for entertainment seemed to be a little low to me. I was including most of my spending money in this catagory. It is only $20/day. I work most nights, don't drink much and cook most of my own food so I don't waste much money on these things.

The car was an insurance subcatagory. Is $150 a month reasonable there? Will $250 a month cover gas. I really have no idea about this. I have owned a landscape company here and haven't had to worry about how much gas costs b/c it was just a cost of doing business. It's not a personal bill I have to pay.

As far as spending more on entertainment than food, I have also included $200 a month for supplements including protein powder and protein bars so my real food bill is closer to $500. Still I was planning on some help w/ the food costs. I plan to grow my own herbs and some vegetables, and I figure I can get to know all the local market people and do some odd jobs for a discount on fresh food. Am I crazy for thinking this?

Thanks again,


Posted : February 8, 2005 2:36 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

you wont spend nearly 250 on gas per month... depending on where you live in the states, gas on STT is only a few cents higher, but you will probably only fill your tank 2 or 3 times a month.

Posted : February 8, 2005 6:31 pm
(@Loyal Reader)
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

My two cents- electricity (and sometimes natural gas) is NOT included in price of rent for most places.

Electricity is expensive here- and your bill will be even higher if you have A/C.

Plan to spend a couple hundred bucks a month on that, depending on the size of your place.

Good luck!


Posted : February 8, 2005 8:19 pm
Marty on STT
Posts: 1779
Noble Member

We're only a few cents higher than in the States?!? No kidding? I never realized the poor Stateside folks had to pay $2.35/gal (STT)! Wow! That's gotta be pricey up there, where people are in their cars for so long each day. Ugh!

Posted : February 9, 2005 10:58 am
Posts: 114
Estimable Member

whoa, i dont know where that is? Here is is about 1.89/gallon, which still seems outrageous to me. maybe in the bigger cities (Im in pittsburgh), it cost more...

Do you really only fill your tank 2-3 times a month? Is that typical for people on this islands, since everything is closer together? I fill mine about 5-6 times a month

Posted : February 9, 2005 12:58 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

How much gas you purchase will depend a lot on your vehicle. I have a gas guzzling SUV so I do spend more money on gas here on St. Thomas then I did back in the states. I fill my vehicle up 4-5 times a month and average 9-12mpg. This is by choice but you might want to factor it in if you are on a budget.

Posted : February 9, 2005 3:46 pm
(@FL Barrier Islander)
Posts: 516
Honorable Member

I paid $2.09/gal for Premium (93 Octane) just this morning here in Florida. Regular gas was $2/gal. Considering there's a refinery in the heart of US VI, .....call me crazy....but, I would have thought the VI would get some benefit from having that refinery in their midst (i.e., more economical gas prices).

Posted : February 9, 2005 5:17 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Is it 2.35 on stt right now?! wow, when I was there a month ago it was around 2.05. I'm in NY right now and gas is about 2.15, but it has gone up from about 1.95-2.00 a month ago. Then again, gas is prolly more expensive here (as opposed to a lot of other places in the states). Can't wait to get back to the island this month though, it's supposed to snow again today!

Posted : February 9, 2005 7:19 pm
Posts: 56
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how many gas stations are on the island?

Posted : February 9, 2005 11:12 pm
Posts: 484
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Posted : February 10, 2005 1:27 am
Posts: 2
New Member

You might want to pick up some air ambulance coverage because there's no trauma center on the island. About $120 per year with SkyMed.

Posted : February 10, 2005 1:45 pm
Marty on STT
Posts: 1779
Noble Member

Even though we have the refinery on STX, we don't get our gas in STT from there. Why? Good question. Someone probably signed a contract for us to get it from somewhere else so that their friend/relative would get a kickback from it and now we have to pay outrageous prices. What is it on STX? A buck?

Posted : February 11, 2005 11:20 am
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

$1.84 for regular

Posted : February 11, 2005 11:35 am
Posts: 484
Reputable Member

The recent study by the Legislature as to how to lower gasoline prices - ie, bringing it over from STX, produced the following info. The ship(s) that haul the gasoline from STX to other places do not have a spot to dock here on STT as there is NO STORAGE FACILITY as in one or more of those big huge round refinery storage bins.

Committee looked at the cost of building one and, from all I read, didn't decide to go forward with it.

If they had the gas could have not only been brought over from STX, but stored for distribution to the stations here.

For some reason it arrives by ship from PR which can be docked and offload into? Sheesh, not sure.

Too bad since the once lowered price has now shot back up!!!!

So much for committees!!!! And that one was the 2nd time they had spent money to exmaine the PROBLEM!!!!

Posted : February 11, 2005 11:57 am
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