The only time I was startled by a bug it was a gungalo that was crawling up my leg early one morning while i sleapt. I levitated out of bed.
that would have freaked me out. i once had a centipeade follow me for a few feet. that was a bit odd.
I once had a centipede rear up on its hind legs and, I swear, it hissed at me.
Those suckers take some oomph to kill.
lol iris
jbatl was saying there is no other such site.
I was babysitting years ago and the biggest one I've ever seen-- dark maroon, wide and flat, and had to be at least 7 inches long came crawling in under the sliding glass doors. I listened to that distinctive 'scratching' noise they make as they crawl under those doors wildly looking around for something to kill it with--- nothing handy. It was coming in!:-o I grabbed a large iron skillet from the stove and BAMMM! Just like in the cartoons-- I felt the vibrations going up my hand, up my arm into my body! lol! But I got it. Ick--- horrid things.
paula, i just got shivers
Click this link to a centipede caught on STX - yikes !!!!
Okay, THAT would officially freak me out. That dude probably packs his own bag and running shoes - and I would be finding mine!
When they take a seat at the table and pour themselves a glass of wine they're officially "too big."
Keeps frying pan handy
I've been living here 12 years and I think that post was rather exaggerated. I love it here although it is definitely a different life style and a big adjustment. Probably 3/4 of the people who move here are gone within 3 years.
With all the economic problems the islands currently have I do not think this is a great time to move here unless you already have a good, non-government job waiting for you.
I've found the best way to dispatch a centipede is:
Wait until it gets onto an open flat area, then step on its head with the ball of your foot, then do the twist, grinding it to pieces. Please wear a shoe! Or a flip-flop, for the not-faint-of-heart.
If it won't go onto an open flat area, then give it a quick blast from a can of red Raid. It'll go berserk for a bit and then slow down and die.
Also get your place sprayed monthly. Then most of the centipedes you see will be already dead. We use Terminix. There are also DIY products.
409 kills them pretty quickly, too. 🙂
Anyone for bleach?
Anyone for bleach?
Anyone for getting back on topic? 😀
I live in Florida most of my life and have heard people from the North ( mostly NY) say how better it is back home. You will find people finding fault with people no matter where they go .It takes time to adjust to the slower parse but when people come down they don't have the time . I'm from NY lived in OK than Fl and visit the VI often. I learned to enjoy what you have life is to short.
Once while visiting STX I had a heart attack and was rushed to the Hospital. I couldn't been treated any better back home. It was found that I had a vain blockage and was rushed to have a two stints put in. In about 1/1/2 hours after arriving at the ER it was all over. That was almost two years ago.
But the people that came to our call to take me to the Hospital ( not part of the Hospital) did not what they were doing. They said that I would be OK and it must been something I ate. I had sever cramps . ,My wife who is a nurse insisted that I be taken to the Hospital.
To all the personal at the Hospital I cant thank them enough , they were all professional
Come on down and enjoy what STX has to offer. But look for all the good things and bypass the bad . Life is to short not to
Anyone for bleach?Anyone for getting back on topic? 😀
Spoilsport. 😉
On topic - honestly most places have challenges to move to right now. I'm from Austin, and while Austin has a robust economy, it still isn't easy to relocate to either. High prices for rent and jobs lacking in some sectors, brutal commutes, crime - there's a list, just like anywhere.
I guess It's always risk/reward. If the reward isn't there anywhere, then yes, the risks may not be worth it to someone.
I have been reading this forum for a year, almost daily. I find all the posts an insight to the atmosphere of the island. So besides facts you get to know people to some extend
I think even the snarky remarks, rants, and negative posts simply bare witness to the events/people of the island. On the opposite end you have posters like Swan, who seems to be the wise sage who is perfectly happy to be exactly where he is. The truth generally lies somewhere in the middle.
I wouldn't find this sight that helpful if it was all cheery and life's so wonderful kind of dribble. I like real and that what this sight provides a
real peak into life on the island. I planning my first trip in May and hope to run into some of you, perhaps sitting on the bar stool next to me.
Hi Flgirl, I did the same. I lurked on these boards a long time and decided not to post until after I'd made the move.
My partner has been here about 7 years so he gave me a lot of insight too. But I also appreciate this board and all the personalities. My friends think I've "moved to paradise" which in some ways I have, but it has it's challenges. I'm glad to have been mentally prepared before making the move for good, and this board has been a big help for evaluating that. I hope the OP gets his questions answered and can make up his mind on the move too.
Someone showed me that pic of the centipede on their phone a few weeks ago, as in they took it or someone texted it to them, so I am pretty sure it is legit.
. I hope the OP gets his questions answered and can make up his mind on the move too.
Hi JulieKay. My wife and I have in fact "decided",and this site has been extremely helpful. I have only lived in St. Croix for 3 months about 15 years ago. We are returning and wanted to know how St. Croix was doing these days, and got all the info we needed. Although it was very sad to hear about the refinery we think it will still be hopeful. Going off of the positive suggestions and comments on this thread we have decided that we will go and "make the best" of a great opportunity. It's always what you make of it. Stay positive as much as possible and take in all the greatness the islands have to offer to a "laid back" life style.
Even when it came to reviewing the crime rate it didn't seem that bad compared to where we have lived before. When we lived in Kansas City Missouri there were 12 shootings all murders in just the first 4 hours of the new year. "Violence" is every where. We can't label an entire Island's population "criminals" on account of the actions of single individuals. When I lived there [STX] 90% of all the people we met were very courteous and friendly: tourists, continentals, and Islanders alike.
I'm sure it is a great island to receive my masters in Agricultural Science. The programs offered are great and I would imagine St. Croix is no where near short on plants so that is a plus. I would really enjoy a career working in one of the Botanical Gardens there.
All in all I say there will be plenty of challenges once down there. The positives will over cloud them. Can't wait.
I've thought about the same thing. There are "bad guys" anywhere, and everywhere. Austin has some VERY large areas I wouldn't drive into, night or day. Everywhere has its ups and downs.
I also have thought about where the NEW "bad guys" will come from on STX that everyone is worrying about. The laid off factory workers? Nope, most of them will just leave, or at least will not turn to a life of crime, as several have written here. The shopkeepers and restaurant owners and gas station owners who lose business? Nope, not them either. Doctors and other professionals? Not them either. The reality is that most of the "bad guys" are already "bad guys." So yes, while they may have more opportunity, I'm not picturing a huge conversion from "good" to "bad."
So, we stay positive, we keep moving forward, and deal with the bad we have. Just like anywhere. But we have a much more beautiful place to work with things - and in my mind it's worth it for us all to keep working together.
Just my opinions. I'm happy, Nathan, to see you guys are ready to move. Best to you!
Is UVI offering a masters program in Agricultural science now or mare you doing it through another program/university? Just curious since I didn't think that kind of academic program was available on island...
They have Aquaculture - International Aquaponics and Tilapia Aquaculture Course. Available on STX, I am currently going to OSU. It would look great in my portfolio. 🙂
Don't forget about the crime, I've seen more crime happen to me or people I know on STJ than I've seen my entire life combined (I'm in my 40's and have lived lots of places).
Crime I know of first hand on St. John in the last 6 months:
3 break-ins-two at gun point one, one complete with a serious beating
5 Muggings-one to me but all after midnight. Prevention from mugging is usually going home before 11:00 pm. I find this really sad because its like preventing car accidents by not driving.
1 time threatened to be stabbed-Just cause one of the many drunkin, angry thugs hanging on the street was feeling feisty
1 time threatened to be shot- Just cause one of the many drunkin, angry thugs hanging on the street was feeling feisty
The above are just to people I know!!!!!!
I heard about either in paper or through the grapevine:
2 stabbings
... and from what I understand STJ is universally considered to be the safest of the USVI. St Croix and St. Thomas enjoy a much higher crime rate.
I'm not grinding axes, just relaying information I know to be true.
95% of the people you meet before midnight are warm, genuine, honest wonderful people but there are plenty of predatory career thugs, drug dealers and addicts that like to harvest the unsuspecting.
On the bright side I believe that tourists, for the most part, are safe and I have not heard about any crimes against women. Most of the muggings were in the smash and grab style with little attempt to severely injure the victims... "Kinder, Gentler Muggers?
The USVI's are seething with drugs and crime. True statement that cannot be disputed.
I wish i was worried about the bugs!!!!!!
Don't know if they are on STT or STJ, They are on STX!(td)
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