4yo missing in the Grove
I have no more details, just know whole neighborhood is out looking for her.

I hope she is found safe.
Please keep us updated Bajan. Praying that she is found safe.
What part of grove did she live in? All prayers
Did find out that they are looking way up the hill near Anally Farms not down in the actual Grove. Feel like I should be doing something. Just finished baking 5 dozen peanut butter oatmeal raisin cookies... goes on for much longer, maybe I will take them up for the searchers. Don't know that my current dog would be a lot of help. My last Dobe would have gone out and found her no problem.
Thany you for the info
Sure hope if she is out there in the night that her little dogs are still with her. Will make finding her easier since they will probably yap at anyone that gets close.
"St. Croix Police ask for the public’s help finding a lost 4-year-old child, Melanie Terra Ferguson, who has been missing since about 10 a.m. Thursday. The child may have left her residence in the Estate Grove Place area in the company of her two brown Chihuahua dogs.
Ferguson weighs 30 to 40 pounds and is 3 feet tall. Her brown hair was braided into cornrows to her neck. She has brown eyes and was wearing black leggings and a multicolored shirt with thin straps. She was not wearing any shoes.
If you have seen Melanie Terra Ferguson or know anything about this case, call detectives at 778-2211, 712-6037 or 911 with information."
Just got word from one of the searchers that they still have not found her. 🙁 I am headed out to help. Can not stand the thought of her out there alone all night.
anybody have news, please update. we are all praying!!!
Anyone with time tomorrow should come out and help... spread the word. More eyes looking for her the better chance there is she will be found.
Police Seek Volunteers to Search for Missing 4-Year-Old
By Source Staff — March 13, 2013
Melanie Terra Ferguson, missing 4-year-old.
Police are calling on volunteers to join an organized search for Melanie Terra Ferguson, the 4-year-old girl missing since Wednesday morning from her Estate Grove Place home.
Volunteers willing to help search for the girl are asked to join police at 6 a.m. at Fergustrax Heavy Equipment at 130 Grove Place, just west of the Annally Farms meat market, according to police Public Information Officer Melody Rames.
The young girl apparently wandered away from her home about 10 a.m. Wednesday in the company of her two brown Chihuahua dogs. Police issued a call to the public for help in tracing the lost child.
Wednesday night Rames said the girl has not yet been found, and added that the dogs had not returned either.
Rames said police have no reason at this time to suspect foul play.
Melanie Terra Ferguson is 4 years old, weighs 30 to 40 pounds and is 3 feet tall. Her brown hair was braided into cornrows to her neck. She has brown eyes and was wearing black leggings and a multicolored shirt with thin straps. She apparently was barefoot when she wandered off.
The police statement noted that Melanie is "very talkative but is shy around strangers."
Anyone who has seen Melanie or thinks they have any information that would help with the search can call detectives at 1-340-778-2211 or 1-340-712-6037, or call 911 with information.
We are picking up relatives from the airport at 7. We would all like to join the search after they arrive. Should we go to the 130 Grove Place address?
my prayers go out to her and her little dogs, that they may keep her safe until she is found.
if anyone hears anything keep us updated.
just a question ........does st. croix have an amber alert in place if ever needed.??? i have seen the bill boards flashing along interstate in the states but what do we have here in the islands? dont know if it has ever been needed.
I leved there for 8 years and don't ever remember having a missing child - very unusual.
i have to teach school til noon..can i go then. My heart is just breaking . My love an dprayers go ouit to everyine searching!!
i dont remember a missing child either. but it can happen anywhere i suppose. hopefully her little dogs will lead her home.
she has been found
Is she ok?

That's awesome! :@):D
I dont know, i heard melody rhames on the radio say that she was found. thats all i remember hearing and something about her found on goat trail???
As we were driving along the road between Annaly Farms and Carambola around 7:15, there were cars and police in the road. They had just found her! We didn't see her, but her two little dogs were there and people were happy and fist bumping. An ATV drove by us all and told us they had found her just there in the bush. All appeared to be well. Such a relief. Poor little thing out all night, so awesome that her dogs stayed with her!
What a relief to hear all is well and the little girl and her doggies are home safe and sound.
Congrats to all those that volunteered in the search.(tu)(tu)
It was heart warming to see the turn out this morning. So many people, from all walks of life, up at the crack of dawn to hunt for this child. Not to mention the people who searched all night, even though officially the search stopped at dark.
As to the Amber Alert question... yes there is one here, but only used when it is a known abduction. Here is the link to the page.
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