LOL. Rhetorical statement regarding Castro.
To be more clear, originally, Castro got his guns from us -- as did Saddam.
I did not intend to relate to Castro- regarding 3rd world regions. However for you edification we did not supply the AK47s to Castro or the RPG's. The press and only the press believed Castro was pro American. Remember the Maine!
My apologies for instigating a sidetrack of this thread but I felt compelled to do so when poster ChanelCinq asserted that, "there are no guns in Third World countries" which I found totally ludicrous and which wasn't further helped by her qualifying that, "I am not talking about countries in unrest or dealing with genocide." Just not sure about which designated Third World countries she's referring to where gun possession is concerned once you eliminate "unrest" and "genocide".
The right to bear arms (i.e. 2nd amdn) is not a privilage freely enjoyed in most 3rd world nations. Not all developing contires are emeshed in civil war. Here in VI (not 3rd world) we are blessed with easy access to all sorts of weapons and one of the highsest homicide rates. Patry on....
And do you really beleive that soviets didn't arm castro? really?
You two crack me up. You are so young and naive. Lived in STX for 2 years. Beautiful beaches, etc.
But the cost of living will killl you. Couldn't afford to use the AC or flush the toilet everytime.
Crime is rampant....don't get hit by a stray bullet when you are out for dinner!If you like to consume rum like water you will be fine!!!!!
Lived on St. Croix for 30-plus years...beautiful beaches, etc. Cost of living has not killed me, I'm still alive and kicking. I never use AC, the breezes keep me pretty cool year round...even this year when it's rather hot. I flush toilet every time I use has two 20,000 gallon cisterns and I've never had to call Mario for water in all these years. Never been hit by a stray bullet, go out for dinner every blessed weekend at great restaurants like Sandcastle on the Beach, Blue Moon, etc.
Couldn't flush your toilet...Puhleeeze...West Indian builds a house, first thing we do is dig at least a 20,000 gallon cistern or two. Where the hell did you somebody's rental apartment?? Rule #1: You need to be able to afford your own damn house on St. Croix, OK?
Spent a few years on the mainland...couldn't wait to get away from all you fat, spoiled, AC-loving, road rage, holier-than-thou phonies.
Don't go to a movie in America...some deranged idiot might kill you along with 11 other people, and wound another 60 of you. I hear crime is rampant. I hear a woman in the great city of New York recently cut off her baby's head and put it in a freezer. I hear car accidents kill about 30,000 people each year in the good old USA, mostly from drivers drinking stuff other than rum. I hear there are meth labs all over the country, and that the USA has more people in jail than any other country on the planet. I hear that if you are Black, like me, you may be denied fair access to employment, voting, and other niceties...maybe that's just a rumor, though, because there is a Black man who is President.
Everybody belongs somewhere...I belong here. It is a Black majority place that is geared towards the lifestyles of Black West Indian people. If you want to share these lifestyles with us, and eat like us, dance like us, socialize with us, laugh at life with us, and settle for what we have like us, fine...we have not had the luxury of being spoiled by every thing under the sun. If our lifestyle and our island offends your delicate sensibilities, then by all means go back to your version of Paradise and leave us alone. We cannot be all things to all people.
We are a warm, welcoming, nurturing people, and St. Croix has nurtured countless thousands of people over the years...some of whom turn around and malign her at every opportunity. Look at our large Palestinian community...a group of people who were driven from their homeland decades ago and found this much-maligned island. They have lived here for decades, among us, and they do not complain. Fathi Yusuf started out selling merchandise from a suitcase, going to all the housing projects that some continentals are so afraid of, going into our homes...he now owns Plaza extra...that's the kind of community we are. People who have a clue thrive here. People who want to be exclusive and cuddle up only to people who look like them will have issues.
I asked this on another thread, but it seems appropriate here; anyone been to American Samoa ? If so, how does STX compare ?
It's the only frame of reference I've got that seems to fit.
Been to HI, but I don't think that fits at all.
You two crack me up. You are so young and naive. Lived in STX for 2 years. Beautiful beaches, etc.
But the cost of living will killl you. Couldn't afford to use the AC or flush the toilet everytime.
Crime is rampant....don't get hit by a stray bullet when you are out for dinner!If you like to consume rum like water you will be fine!!!!!
Lived on St. Croix for 30-plus years...beautiful beaches, etc. Cost of living has not killed me, I'm still alive and kicking. I never use AC, the breezes keep me pretty cool year round...even this year when it's rather hot. I flush toilet every time I use has two 20,000 gallon cisterns and I've never had to call Mario for water in all these years. Never been hit by a stray bullet, go out for dinner every blessed weekend at great restaurants like Sandcastle on the Beach, Blue Moon, etc.
Couldn't flush your toilet...Puhleeeze...West Indian builds a house, first thing we do is dig at least a 20,000 gallon cistern or two. Where the hell did you somebody's rental apartment?? Rule #1: You need to be able to afford your own damn house on St. Croix, OK?
Spent a few years on the mainland...couldn't wait to get away from all you fat, spoiled, AC-loving, road rage, holier-than-thou phonies.
Don't go to a movie in America...some deranged idiot might kill you along with 11 other people, and wound another 60 of you. I hear crime is rampant. I hear a woman in the great city of New York recently cut off her baby's head and put it in a freezer. I hear car accidents kill about 30,000 people each year in the good old USA, mostly from drivers drinking stuff other than rum. I hear there are meth labs all over the country, and that the USA has more people in jail than any other country on the planet. I hear that if you are Black, like me, you may be denied fair access to employment, voting, and other niceties...maybe that's just a rumor, though, because there is a Black man who is President.
Everybody belongs somewhere...I belong here. It is a Black majority place that is geared towards the lifestyles of Black West Indian people. If you want to share these lifestyles with us, and eat like us, dance like us, socialize with us, laugh at life with us, and settle for what we have like us, fine...we have not had the luxury of being spoiled by every thing under the sun. If our lifestyle and our island offends your delicate sensibilities, then by all means go back to your version of Paradise and leave us alone. We cannot be all things to all people.
We are a warm, welcoming, nurturing people, and St. Croix has nurtured countless thousands of people over the years...some of whom turn around and malign her at every opportunity. Look at our large Palestinian community...a group of people who were driven from their homeland decades ago and found this much-maligned island. They have lived here for decades, among us, and they do not complain. Fathi Yusuf started out selling merchandise from a suitcase, going to all the housing projects that some continentals are so afraid of, going into our homes...he now owns Plaza extra...that's the kind of community we are. People who have a clue thrive here. People who want to be exclusive and cuddle up only to people who look like them will have issues.
Is that your rusty ferrari being slowly taken over by weeds over in Tipperary ?
Thank you, JRF -- that sums up many of my own feelings! Lived on STX for 15 years. For a variety of reasons moved to Florida and within a couple of years knew I hated it. After six years I was able to sell my house there and happily moved back to my "home" here. Ready for another 15 years on STX, if I'm lucky. I am thankful to the community here who took me back as if I had never been away.
I've only lived here for 9 months or so, but I just went to STT for the first time on route to Tortola and back and it reminded me of why I really feel at home on STX. I was stuck sitting next to a big fat American tourist lady who wouldn't stop complaining about the AC not working or how bumpy the fast ferry ride was and saying she might be able to live here if they opened a Norstroms. lol.
Definitely not 3rd world here by a long shot, just not fat, sloppy and easy like the main land.
A couple of years back, I met a tourist from Hawaii in STX. She said STX reminded her of Hawaii in the 60's.
definitely not third world but i beg to differ on the fat sloppy part-lots of fat sloppy people here too. lol
JahRustyFerrari, you are my hero. 😀
Your Belligerent written attitude towards mainland continentals is comparable to teeth sucking in person.We all don't think and feel the same way.
Your Belligerent written attitude towards mainland continentals is comparable to teeth sucking in person.We all don't think and feel the same way.
My reading comprehension must have taken a nose-dive as I didn't find any belligerence there at all. Just simple facts presented simply and without any embellishment.
That's sad!
That's sad!
How so? :S
People who have problems with reading comprehension always have problems with either the ability to understand language or the ability to decode written words or both. I will try to make it easier for you to comprehend. All the VI residents do not feel the same way about continentals or mainland USA. I hope this helps. I felt his statements were Belligerent, my opinion.
People who have problems with reading comprehension always have problems with either the ability to understand language or the ability to decode written words or both. I will try to make it easier for you to comprehend. All the VI residents do not feel the same way about continentals or mainland USA. I hope this helps. I felt his statements were Belligerent, my opinion.
If sarcasm must rule your response then let it rest. I simply failed to understand where you see belligerence - or does the capital "B" give the word a different meaning other than which my poor understanding and decoding abilities have always assumed? 😀
Your Belligerent written attitude towards mainland continentals is comparable to teeth sucking in person.We all don't think and feel the same way.
I get it...when you criticize my home it is constructive and meaningful, but when I do the same to your home it is belligerence, right?
Never criticized OUR HOME! Never Criticized the people of OUR COUNTRY! We are American Citizens. Sounds like you have a hard time understanding that.
Never criticized OUR HOME! Never Criticized the people of OUR COUNTRY! We are American Citizens. Sounds like you have a hard time understanding that.
Not really...I spent 20 years in the US Army as an Infantryman 11C...I have left my American blood in various parts of the world.
I do not have a belligerent attitude towards mainlanders in general. I tend to take issue with the ones who get on this board and act like there has never been a murder or robbery wherever they live, and like to quote dumb ass statistics about "per capita" and how this territory is the most dangerous place in the universe.
For example, yup, we have too many guns on the street...why??? Because the gun manufacturers have to sell guns. If you were to go to any gun manufacturer on the mainland and ask them to shut down the factory, the thousands of people they employ would be up in arms, pun intended. Those same people will come here on vacation and act surprised when one of their guns turns up in the hands of a murderer or robber....heck, you MADE the damn thing!
As long as there are gun manufacturers disgorging an obscene amount of firearms daily in order to make a profit, those guns are going to find their way to the street...just like drugs. As long as people produce outrageous quantities of narcotics for profit, they will find a way to the's all about money.
Nobody is going to shut down the gun factories or the opium fields, so you just have to live with it. Like Thoreau said, there are a thousand people hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
I am NOT your antagonist, but I do not apologize for anything I wrote. OUR COUNTRY, as you put it, is full of overfed, spoiled people who whine about things like air conditioning when there are much more serious problems to be solved. There is a huge crap-storm coming, and only the strong will survive.
Spent a few years on the mainland...couldn't wait to get away from all you fat, spoiled, AC-loving, road rage, holier-than-thou phonies.
We are a warm, welcoming, nurturing people, and St. Croix has nurtured countless thousands of people over the years...some of whom turn around and malign her at every opportunity. .
on one hand you call mainlanders names but on the other you say how warm and welcoming people here are.
everything you said about mainlanders can be said about people here too.
a lot of people only want to say what their experiences are-does not make them wrong. just makes it their experience.
i don't understand your remarks about dumb ass stylistics about per capita. those are facts taken from the public crime records
Thank You for your service to our Country. However all tourists/Americans don't manufacture guns or are in the drug business. We make rum should we bear the burden of all the DUI's. Even your past post was not limited to the posters on this board. The USVI is a good place to live and vacation. We should not try to make a tourist or potential resident unwelcome or uncomfortable.
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