2 mo's living o...
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2 mo's living on STX has taught me...

Posts: 28
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I've been here many times as a tourist for a wk at a time. Even bought property, thinking I might want to retire here someday. Decided to see what it's like to actually live here as a "commoner", not a tourist, & work here so arranged to spend the month of July. On July 31st I was to get on the plane to go back to the states. But the clothes would not go in the suitcase & the car refused to take me to the airport! I simply could not make myself leave! I called the airline & cancelled my ticket.

Now I have to leave at the end of Aug, 2 weeks, 1 day, 16 hrs from now. Anyone want to place bets on whether I can do it this time?
Here's what living here for this short time has taught me:

There is a calmness here I don't feel anywhere else; even when the Internet connection goes down for the 3rd time in an hr, even when the electric alarm clock has to be reset, and reset, and reset (I just turned it around after that), even when a cow walks across the road & everyone has to stop til it mosies to the other side.

There is a feeling of community that makes even a newbie feel welcome. I made my first friend walking on the beach my first morning here & have met a network of supportive people since. While searching for a person I was to meet at a restaurant, I met several others who offered advice & suggestions on a number of things. My landlord offered me use of an extra car to help defer rental car costs in return for feeding their animals for a few days while they're off island. Yeah, I can do that.

There is excellent live music several days/wk even in this off-season time. I even have found dance partners, a huge thing for me, an avid dancer.

The crystal turquoise water flows over my skin like silk every day while I swim or snorkel in different bays.

True, the grocery store may not have what I thought I wanted, but it usually has what I need.
True, it migh be a challenge to get my hair taken care of, especially when I show up at the salon & the stylist says "Oh, we don't have that color!". But after getting over the fact that a salon could not have a standard hair color, they bent over backward to find it & do my hair later that day.

So, getting on the plane Aug 31st? We'll see.

Posted : August 16, 2011 1:13 am
Posts: 424
Reputable Member

NICE! (tu)(tu) I wish this forum had a LIKE button. Thanks for sharing your experience. Good luck on Aug 31! 🙂

Posted : August 16, 2011 1:42 am
Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Dance party this weekend again! I'll text the info

Posted : August 16, 2011 1:36 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

Dance party this weekend again! I'll text the info

Can you also post the info? Friends and family spending weekend on STX. Thanks.

Posted : August 16, 2011 2:31 pm
Posts: 399
Reputable Member

So awesome! (tu) We'll be there for good in a little over a month. Sure there have been moments of anxiety and unease, but your post made my day!!! (Especially the calmness part ....)

Posted : August 16, 2011 3:16 pm
Posts: 448
Honorable Member

You made my day!(tu)

Posted : August 16, 2011 3:20 pm
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

How refreshing!! My boyfriend and I just booked our flights today! We will arrive the morning on November 2!! I am so, so excited!!! 🙂
Your post make the bit of anxiety that I have go away for just a little bit.
Our plan is to stay until May. I wonder how we'll feel when May rolls around??

Posted : August 16, 2011 4:44 pm
Posts: 2104
Noble Member

I came to STX 5 years ago for a winter stay and never left and don't intend to. I enjoy the friendliness of the people, the pace of life and to temper my expectations.

Posted : August 16, 2011 4:52 pm
Posts: 98
Trusted Member

nice post!

Posted : August 16, 2011 8:05 pm
A Davis
Posts: 687
Honorable Member

that's a wonderful essay and it pretty much puts into a capsule if not in actual events, in sentiment why many of us choose to stay after a "visit" that turns into the rest of our lives.

well done!

Posted : August 17, 2011 12:16 am
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

Wonderful reading with my morning cup of coffee. I am hairstylist from the states. If you haven't found one yet, I am highly trained, been to Chicago for their yearly hair shows, and keep up on my education weekly. Always on top of new trends, and can master the classics. Just a thought if you're looking. Thanks for the post

Posted : August 17, 2011 10:28 am
Posts: 6
Active Member

Wonderful post. My family and I have had quite a different experience here. Having traveled to many other countries and islands around the world, I can say St. Croix is among my least favorite for too many reasons to list. We are making the best of it though and I suppose one the positives for most Americans is that you don 't need a passport to travel here

Have questions about our particular experience? Just send me a private message. 🙂

Time to enjoy this beautiful day!

Posted : August 17, 2011 2:32 pm
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

It would be helpful to all if you gave us some specifics on your stay. Your previous posts were somewhat positive.

Posted : August 17, 2011 5:12 pm
Posts: 727
Honorable Member

Just wondering if you are working on island? From my end of things retirement anywhere seems like paradise. 🙂 I know the grass is always greener.

But seriously if you can afford to live here without working it would definitely be paradise, as long as you don't get sick, but that's true anywhere. But here you generally have to go back stateside to get a better quality of care.

Posted : August 17, 2011 7:49 pm
Posts: 140
Estimable Member

One man's meat etc.

Posted : August 18, 2011 5:46 am
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

Beautiful post, thanks! This is a WONDERFUL place - I am grateful every day to live here!

Posted : August 18, 2011 12:51 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

Thank you so much for sharing. Our PMV is for 1 month next February. I can imagine making it to the airport for the return trip will be difficult at best.

Posted : August 18, 2011 1:17 pm
Posts: 105
Estimable Member

I cry every time I have to leave St. Croix. I'm constantly on the web cam - reading this board. I miss it terribly. Hope to be there real soon.

Posted : August 18, 2011 2:14 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

YAY! for a happy positive post! 🙂

Posted : August 19, 2011 6:56 pm
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

So you are two days away from your plane ride? Have you decided whether you are leaving or not? From your post I assume there will be one seat empty for sure.

I arrive on STT the 31st. Cant wait 😀

Posted : August 29, 2011 8:36 pm
Posts: 319
Reputable Member

She left island---but will be back probably in December. Great tenant and friend , thanks for the friendship and all the help with daily life here .

Hope to see you sooner than later.

Posted : September 1, 2011 10:13 pm
Posts: 359
Reputable Member

I've been here many times as a tourist for a wk at a time. Even bought property, thinking I might want to retire here someday. Decided to see what it's like to actually live here as a "commoner", not a tourist, & work here so arranged to spend the month of July. On July 31st I was to get on the plane to go back to the states. But the clothes would not go in the suitcase & the car refused to take me to the airport! I simply could not make myself leave! I called the airline & cancelled my ticket.

Now I have to leave at the end of Aug, 2 weeks, 1 day, 16 hrs from now. Anyone want to place bets on whether I can do it this time?
Here's what living here for this short time has taught me:

There is a calmness here I don't feel anywhere else; even when the Internet connection goes down for the 3rd time in an hr, even when the electric alarm clock has to be reset, and reset, and reset (I just turned it around after that), even when a cow walks across the road & everyone has to stop til it mosies to the other side.

There is a feeling of community that makes even a newbie feel welcome. I made my first friend walking on the beach my first morning here & have met a network of supportive people since. While searching for a person I was to meet at a restaurant, I met several others who offered advice & suggestions on a number of things. My landlord offered me use of an extra car to help defer rental car costs in return for feeding their animals for a few days while they're off island. Yeah, I can do that.

There is excellent live music several days/wk even in this off-season time. I even have found dance partners, a huge thing for me, an avid dancer.

The crystal turquoise water flows over my skin like silk every day while I swim or snorkel in different bays.

True, the grocery store may not have what I thought I wanted, but it usually has what I need.
True, it migh be a challenge to get my hair taken care of, especially when I show up at the salon & the stylist says "Oh, we don't have that color!". But after getting over the fact that a salon could not have a standard hair color, they bent over backward to find it & do my hair later that day.

So, getting on the plane Aug 31st? We'll see.

Glad to see you're liking STX. 🙂

I will say, however, that I think you're still in the "honeymoon" stage and are most likely viewing things through rose-colored glasses. Stay here for another ten years and then see how you feel. You will most likely feel somewhat differently. Not trying to burst your bubble -- I love STX too! -- but the fact is that living here for a couple months doesn't really give you the perspective needed to see the island as it really is. Which is to say: it's great, but has lots of problems. Not enough to make me leave, but certainly enough to merit serious consideration.

Posted : September 1, 2011 10:29 pm
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