16 x 6 = 96
I'm not a math wizz ... but, I don't think that's right 🙂
new. Net explosive weight ?
am i missing someting? 16x6 does = 96

Surface area of a cube?
How many hours you worked last week?
Happy birthday! 96 is a great year, I've heard
16 murders in USVI in first two months of the year sets pace of 96 in the year..........

But don't forget.
The crime here is no worse than any big city in the states. (Are we a big city?) What about the arrest and conviction rate?
No tourists have been murdered yet this year so everything is alright. Tourists perception is all that really matters.
We have such strict gun control that only criminals have guns. Don't you feel safe?
The Messiah of Crime fighting says you are suppose to talk and hug "daily "all the bad guys. I feel better and safer with that approach don't you.:S

Is there a plan to change things?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
Why don't we take some of the Federal stimulis money we have been getting for construction and build a gallows for public hangings.
We could have public hangings of the bad guys and also charge admission. Since the Territory is alwasy short of money this would "kill" 2 problems with one stone.
Martial Law, worked after HUGO.

Isn't it Switzerland that issues gun training and guns to its citizens and has almost zero serious crime?
Switzerland also has high employment, high household income, and a totally homogenous population. Not exactly the ingredients for high crime.
Yes, the police recently announced they are going to renew efforts to imprison LEGAL gun owners who have their guns STOLEN from their homes by criminals. Afterall it's much easier and safer to go after the LEGAL gun owners instead of CRIMINALS who commit B&E to STEAL a LEGAL gun.
Now, don't you feel safer knowing that when seconds count the police are minutes or hours away and they want to dissuade you from keeping a gun legally in your home...another defintion of insanity if you ask me.
Is there a plan to change things?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
According to Wikip on switzerland, in summary:
- no private citizen is ever issued a gun from the govn.
- instead, many (all?) youth are required to serve in the military, where they are issued guns and are required to keep them at home
- after military service, these folks are still required to keep the guns as part of the "militia"
- guns and ammo have to be kept separate
- it is common to see plain clothes military people working around with rifles over their shoulders, because you're allowed to transport your guns to/from firing ranges and military places of work.
- private citizens are allowed to own guns under the usual restrictions (background check, required training, security job, etc).
- in 2001 a Swiss citizen used his rifle to kill 18 people (and then himself) in a government building (I guess no one had guns to stop him)
Is open carry allowed in usvi?

aeneas~only if you're a criminal or it's part of your job...like security guard.
So its allowed that criminals carry guns openly? Why is that? In Virginia if you wish to carry a gun in full view its always allowed and even the cities nearby with the highest crime rates don"t hold a candle to the VI,is that the problem? I'm going to move there but the murder thing does seem out of control. Is it OK because its only the "natives" shooting each other? Of all the helpful information I've gotten from this board the idea that its fine that only the criminals have guns and the others should be sheep is alarming.
Maybe.......Lizard......could give his insight on what just happened up in the Chicago ruling in reference to the supreme court...... saying they agree the right is there....... but the states can dictate the rules of the carrying .. and how that could be applied to USVI.. OH Lizard Please the bat signal is out for you... Thanks:-o
There was no ruling today, if you are referring to the McDonald v. Chicago, the Supreme Court heard oral Arguments only. a decision will probably be made by the summer of 2010. So turn your bat signal off and save on your WAPA Bill8-)
Thanks Lizard !!! ..... POW.... !!!!! .... BAM....!!!! the signal is off,(tu)

aneas~ You asked a serious question, so let me back up a bit. No, criminals are not allowed to carry weapons openly. But many of them are indeed armed, and not just with pistols. They have shotguns, and "assault" rifles as well. I think, and I may be wrong, that the reason the murder rate here is so high may be cultural. If someone kills your relative, then it is the family honor that the killing must be avenged so the family goes out and shoots the killer. Then the killer's family has to have revenge....see how it goes? The conviction rate for murder is appallingly poor so families feel the only way to get justice is to take care of it themselves.
So do we have to worry about the high murder rate and violent crime here? Not really. Just think of the Virgin Islands as the most beautiful, wonderful, fanciest slum you can imagine. Mixed in with our gorgeous beaches, sunshine, warmth, multi-million dollar houses, yachts, friendly neighborliness, sharing and caring people is an underlying attitude of poverty, hopelessness, carelessness, entitlement, broken families, corrupt legislators, corrupt businessmen just like in any slum in America. There is a huge underlying resentment of the "rich white" folks who come here and "take all the good jobs" There is no recognition that it is the poor work ethic and pathetic education that keeps them from being hired. You won't often see this attitude if you stay in the resorts or the wealthy sections, but it is there.
Gun laws here a really strict. Other threads have dealt with that in great detail. You can have a weapon for defense of your home, but unless you are a business owner and can "demonstrate a need," you are out of luck if you want to concealed carry.
There is also a problem here of killing people relatively early in the dispute process, rather than as a last resort. Minor issues, which might easily be handled by diplomacy, or by forgetting about it, instead quickly escalate to gunfire.
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