Martial Arts on STT (judo/jujitsu)
Does anybody know of any martial arts classes or groups in STT? My family practice judo and jujitsu in particular. Thanks!
Antilles offers a martial arts class in their after school program. They don't offer judo or jujitsu but a Japenese form of karate. My son was in jujitsue, but I have not been able to find an instructor for this on STT.
Thank you for this information! How old is your son? I have a 13 year old son and 2 daughters 6 and 8. My husband and son are passionate about jujitsu and judo and it would be a bummer if they had to let it go. My husband currently assists in the teaching of the class here in Orlando but doesnt have his black belt so could run a class there on his own. I was thinking it would be great if they could atleast get a group together to practice and spar if we moved.
While I have you also, would you be able to give me any insight into Antilles or other schools like Montessori? Antilles is quite expensive for us since we have 3 kids, it would total over 41 thousand per year. So, I was looking into Montessori which is a little less costly. The drawback of Montessori is that so far they only have about 7 kids in their 9th/10th grade class and not as much extracurricular activities as Antilles. I just want to make sure that my 13 year old will have opportunity to make new friends and be happy and busy. I think my 6 and 8 year old will be happy wherever.
Thanks again. I have endless questions about adjustment for kids to the island and ways for us to connect with others there.
My son is 7 years old. I will have to say that the child part is the only part of moving here that has been difficult for me. Especially since mine is the only child living at home. I have a stepson 13 and stepdaughter 12 that visit several times a year, but don't currently live here. I have really made finding opportunities for social things a priority. It has taken a little time. I find that islanders or long time transplants take a bit to warm up to newcomers, in general. Mainly because so many people come and go. I was lucky enough to meet a woman that has truly been a god send to me, and opened up to me right away. She has lived here for 25 years and happens to have children my son's age. She has been an avenue for me that I can't say enough about. But, I can say with certainty that I am raising my child around quality children that have a much better perspective about what is important in life. In general, most kids here are not consumed with cable tv and video games. Clothing labels mean nothing here. Nobody cares what kind of car you drive, or gadgets you have. Nothing pushes this home to me more than when my teenager daughter visits and she is asking for a Coach this, Prada that. Even though I could buy it for her, I think it is really not appropriate for a child IMHO.
I know my son would love to get back into ju jitzu again. Even having a sparing partner would be fun for him and help refresh his memory on the holds, submissions, etc.
My insight into Antilles or Montessori is very limited. Antilles is a great school that is full of money. If you visit the campus everything is top notch. The sports facility is very nice. The campus programs and buildings are nice also. I have a friend that teaches French there, and she seems to really like the atmosphere. I here lots of good things about Montessori also. However, I'm with you on the cost of the schools. Do you know where you are going to live? If you are in the Sibily district you might be able to get your younger children there. As far as a public school, it is pretty good. From what I've been told they have a very West Indies approach to school which is children should fall in line, discipline, etc. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, even if you are in their district you are not guaranteed to get a place because of overcrowding. You might also check All Saints and Sts Peter and Paul. I would say that 75% of the student population is native VI, and the tuition cost is more reasonable and they give discounts for multiple children. My son attends Sts Peter and Paul. I would say that in general it is a pretty good school, and he was accepted very well. The only reason I am homeschooling him is because he is a fast learner and needs to be challenged more.
Hi we will be moving down to St. Croix soon and we have children. It would be great to introduce them to some friends so they can feel like they belong. How old are your children and were are you looking to put them in school?
Thank you,
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