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Joined: April 12, 2015 10:36 pm
Topics: 32 / Replies: 49
Re: Sargassum still affecting the stx beaches?

West end has none. I live on the west no west end beach has it

9 years ago
Re: Job search

Message Remove. Please revisit board rules.

9 years ago
Re: temporary place to stay on St Croix until permanent housing is found

Check airbnb.com and type in st Croix usvi and tons of vacation rentals will pop up for day to day renting, weekly renting, monthly renting. Hope this...

9 years ago
Re: Apartment Wanted on STX

How much a month for the three bedroom?

9 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1318
Replies: 8
Views: 1492
Replies: 3
Views: 1053
10 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1263
Re: Why is stj so expensive to live on. Mostly in property value for buying and renting?

I don't do research on stj because I'm not moving there. I'm moving to stx. It was just a question that I was wondering about Susan, no need for smar...

10 years ago
Re: Chances of being kidnapped?

Thanks you all! That's what I'm trying to tell her.

10 years ago
Replies: 30
Views: 5208
Re: Relocating to St. John in august

I didn't get my rental for at I'm going to stx

10 years ago
Re: Relocating to St. John in august

I'm renting from a guy who is very well known for his rentals

10 years ago
Re: Relocating to St. John in august

Me and my girlfriend are moving down to stx August 13th. We found a place on airbnb.com to stay at for a month when we arrive for $550. This way we ha...

10 years ago
Re: new transplant

How old are you?

10 years ago
Re: Any advice for me?

Be sure to check & double check with the airline when flying your pets here. You have a pug, if memory serves me. Unless you can bring him/her as a ca...

10 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1919
Re: People who dread hair on stx

First of all. I'm not wanting to dread my hair because I think it's "cool". I want to dread my hair because it's something I have been wanting to do f...

10 years ago
Re: People who dread hair on stx

Save money and just don't comb it. Do it the natural way like the true Rastas do. Sorry but non Rastafarian newbies that sport locks just bugs me....

10 years ago
Re: People who dread hair on stx

Are you going to join the ranks of the (thankfully small number of) newbies who think it's just too cool to show everyone how "island I be" by sportin...

10 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 2873
Re: Charles Ferrell in st croix?

I know nothing about him but the confusion arose because his last name isn't FErrell but FArrell ... typo

10 years ago
Re: Charles Ferrell in st croix?

I think I found his name as a member of the Coastal Zone Management Commission. Additionally, I found he is/was a long time Banker on St. Croix. If it...

10 years ago
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