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Joined: March 23, 2007 12:35 am
Topics: 8 / Replies: 842
Re: online shopping with Free shipping to STX

Well folks, just placed another order with Amazon and now they are saying they do not have any free shipping to US VI and all previous free shipping ...

9 years ago
Re: Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

And the more guns available, the more deaths. Until we can acknowledge the problem, and come together, instead of using the fallacy of guns don't kill...

9 years ago
Re: Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

Shortly after Sandy Hook, there was a bill with bi-partisan co-sponsors that addressed mental health. It was shot down. There have been other bills si...

9 years ago
Re: Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

There were nearly 2X as many firearm deaths due to suicide (over 21k) Vs Homicide, so mental health is a little more than a "big" issue, especially wh...

9 years ago
Re: 2016 new resident!

My wife and I are in a similar position. She has accepted a job offer on STX in Jan. 2016. We are from New Orleans and will be moving first of the yea...

9 years ago
Re: Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

I didn't say murdered. Killed. By choice, accident or intent. Does it really matter? That number is staggering. Like I said there is an implicati...

9 years ago
Re: online shopping with Free shipping to STX

I have not had anything physically delivered to VI - but Thrive Market is AMAZING and packs their items better then anyplace I've ever seen (almost to...

9 years ago
Re: Has anyone tried using the VI Tax webpage?

It probably either means it was hacked, or the VI let its certificate run out past the certification expiration date's grace period, which would mean ...

9 years ago
Re: online shopping with Free shipping to STX

I have not had anything physically delivered to VI - but Thrive Market is AMAZING and packs their items better then anyplace I've ever seen (almost to...

9 years ago
Re: Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

It's funny to see liberals head explode at the mere thought of Trump becoming president (prob see the same with the right once Hillary is selected) ...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

This is my thoughts on this entire conversation along with every other internet argument. It's pointless to have these discussions when both sides on...

9 years ago
Re: Our Oceans Are Reaching the Climate Change Tipping Point, Warn Scientists

Good piece on why it's futile to use single avenues of evidence as proof there's no anthropogenic warming, like CO2 levels, anomalies in data collecti...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

80 jobs with a potential for 200 is a drop in the bucket. . .Way too many tax exemptions. Everyone has to make up their own minds on this. I can'...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

Au contraire: just defending my hometown (like a good patriot) against illogical allegations of prejudice. Your fallacious argumentum ad populum ...

9 years ago
Re: CA Senate Candidate Attacked for Spending Thousands on Hotels

That's what his salary is for. it's only 120,000 though right? (more than the Gov of PR?) I mean how do we expect him to scrape by making 6x what...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

rotorhead said: I lived most of my life on the west coast working for computer companies. Before I retired from Microsoft I ran a software develo...

9 years ago
Re: Where to buy large screen tv?

Thanks for the recommendation for Mike's Electronics. Their price for an LG 60" only $100 more than Amazon. And they deliver and setup. They ar...

9 years ago
Re: J&V Diner, STX

To locate J&V Diner go past Cost U Less heading west, go through the red light, pass the gas station, go to where the Electronics store used to be and...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

Why have at-large elections continued here when it has been documented repeatedly in the states that this is used to suppress minority voting. Distric...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

LOL! Your response is a straw man fallacy (no I do not mean that, so your example is based on faulty premise), and your Benghaaaaaaaaaazzziiiiii analo...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

However, when one is directed to a site that is already claiming the San Bernardino terrorist attack is a socialist false flag, claimed earlier that t...

9 years ago
Re: Our Oceans Are Reaching the Climate Change Tipping Point, Warn Scientists

Actually, we do have "a clue". The industrial output changes are measurable, so is the consumption of gasoline. And so are scientific properties of th...

9 years ago
Re: Chilli cookoff

Still not sure why it's a scam/sham, since nobody's offered any evidence. Here's all the evidence you need: Alec Dizon is the promoter. ...

9 years ago
Re: racism on the islands

I think I just saw someone use Infowars as a citation. I. Can't. Even. I guess if you can't argue the data then you criticize the source. ...

9 years ago
Re: Chilli cookoff

The UW cookoff is a CASI sanctioned event as is the cookoff in St. Thomas. If you goto chili.org and look at list of upcoming cookoffs, the one on the...

9 years ago
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