Prominent Member
Joined: March 23, 2007 12:35 am
Topics: 8 / Replies: 842
Re: Health Insurance woes

And just for the record, it's STX, not St. X. I usually write it as STX, but sometimes I write St.X, just depends how I'm thinking at the moment ...

9 years ago
Re: The Chinese Must Really Be Coming!

I use the Sunny Isle Bypass a lot. Just not when hauling glassware. Very grateful for the paving fix.

9 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

And just for the record, it's STX, not St. X. Or, you can think outside the box: "Croix" meaning "cross", and an "X" being one recognized repres...

9 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

There's a little bit of possible misinformation or misunderstanding in these posts: Since you are not covered under an employer plan, you are not...

9 years ago
Re: Evidence released before trial in STX officer murders

And here I sit . . . . out of popcorn again.

9 years ago
Re: Importing/Buying a Right Hand Drive Vehicle?

Good Lord! I don't even live there yet and I'm offended. Please don't insult the regulars on this board. They have been more than helpful to me and I ...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Geeze. Every time I inadvertently pick up someone else's carry-on, all I ever find in it is dirty underwear, clothes that don't fit, used toiletries, ...

9 years ago
Re: Relocating to STT

Gone girl: I saw this on my Amazon/Washington Post newsfeed and thought about you. LOL /blockquote> Ha Ha! I identified with that article in a c...

9 years ago
Re: Blue Cross DOUBLE CROSS Call your Senators and ask the Government

Ah, memories! Or should I say nightmares. I was an employee (and am a paid retiree) of GHMSI. I worked there from '81 thru '93, and remember much...

9 years ago
Re: Another hurdle for home based businesses

... ... so there's no logical reason for me to have a fire inspection. ... That's exactly the point. They don't perform any fire inspection for...

9 years ago
Re: Another hurdle for home based businesses

i had hoped in the future to start an internet based business. but not sure why i would need to pay for an inspection as not people would ever shop fr...

9 years ago
Re: Moving to USVI and have a couple of questions

my god let it rest forum police (tu)(tu)

9 years ago
Re: searching on eBay for items that ship here

If they don't ship down here, I use Paradise Freight. If it gets to them by noon on Wednesday then it arrives on STX by Tuesday. That's exactly w...

9 years ago
Re: searching on eBay for items that ship here

The sorting by price has not helped me. I have had some success contacting the seller, but it's hit or miss. Usually the smaller time sellers wil...

9 years ago
Re: Web Design / Graphic Design / Home Decor

@AandA2VI - Google suddenly dropped Wix sites from their search indexing last October. You can ... um ... google that and find several articles ...

9 years ago
Re: 99L - will it or won't it + a GREAT new weather source online!

The Facebook group is not exactly new. I've followed it for quite some time now. It has a great local angle. They are really good about updating when ...

9 years ago
Re: Web Design / Graphic Design / Home Decor

Stay away from Wix. Google removed every single Wix site from their index. They are slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, adding them back in. Also with Wi...

9 years ago
Re: Volunteer opportunities STX

Check with Clean Sweep Frederiksted. They have volunteer opportunities and kid-oriented activities. Clean Sweep Frederiksted Facebook Page

9 years ago
Re: Centennial Commission

1. And let the government off the hook for yet another responsibility? 2. As I said, I can't speak for STT, but do you know how many fund-raising ev...

9 years ago
Re: Finding a home for my cat...

I wasn't meaning to criticize either. If you know Jamison, you know he's a softie for fur babies and finds it hard to turn people down. Just don't wan...

9 years ago
Re: Centennial Commission

1. Animal control is traditionally a government function, as it provides for the health and safety of citizens. It should be funded appropriately by ...

9 years ago
Re: Daily News, E-Edition

VI Daily News wants $1 a day for an online subscription!? NYT online is $1 per week. LOL! That's comparing a very big apple to a tiny orange...

9 years ago
Re: Centennial Commission

They could fund the animal shelters instead of funding the centennial commemoration. If the Humane Society of STT kept up with annual membership ...

9 years ago
Re: Centennial Commission

Wow! I think I actually heard oinking sounds coming out of my speakers. Very lucrative "celebration" for the well-connected. PS: That had better ...

9 years ago
Re: Finding a home for my cat...

I wasn't meaning to criticize either. If you know Jamison, you know he's a softie for fur babies and finds it hard to turn people down. Just don't wan...

9 years ago
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