Honorable Member
Joined: February 11, 2014 7:31 pm
Topics: 16 / Replies: 580
Re: Alana!

Has anyone heard from Old Tart? OT is fine. Late last year, we got married and moved to Winnipeg, Canada. We are expecting a child.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

south cakalakie for the record That is still ambiguous. For example, here in Barbados, "cakalakie" means "vagina". So, when you are in the Carib...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

still in the wait and see stage here in charleston. There is a city named Charleston in 21 states, and 7 of those states may be affected by hurri...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

How are you posting? Is there cell service? I can't get a hold of anyone!! LF is using military communication equipment. I can visualize him on a...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Stacey Plaskett (the representative of the U.S. House from USVI) spoke on MSNBC 15 minutes ago or so. She said that the recently passed "Harvey Relief...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

I mean, I wouldn't be at all upset if Epstein's Anubis temple or whatever the hell it is got taken out because I hate looking at it every day. That is...

8 years ago
Re: Keep an eye on 93L - soon to be a tropical depression

In other words, if your ears start popping and roof is pumping, glass in sliders bowing, open something, windows, door, on opposite side of home to re...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Re: Information on education

We might be relocating to the USVI, but must consider all ends and that includes our two daughters and associated education costs. I cannot find any i...

8 years ago
Re: Questions on moving to the islands

Is it possible for someone with a couple grand move to the islands? Im a 22 year old single guy and im tired of these Kansas wheat fields. Whats the j...

8 years ago
Re: VI violence What would you do to stop the killings?

I believe the $13K number is bogus. Where did this come from? I was indeed comparing the income per capita in USVI with the GDP per capita in ...

8 years ago
Re: VI violence What would you do to stop the killings?

BVI is just a few miles away from STT and STJ. Culturally this is the same population of slave trade descendants as USVI is. It's my understandin...

8 years ago
Re: VI violence What would you do to stop the killings?

Sure some of the stoic British culture filters down to local population but what puzzles me why BVI doesn't cope with the same issues of violence we d...

8 years ago
Re: Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................

How do you determine what is factual in a sea of BS? Serious question. Follow you own instincts and intuition.

8 years ago
Re: Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................

There are many things that this election will change. The far left is coming unglued. The far right are licking their chops. Trump will take this coun...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Latest developments: 1. The Canadian Immigration Service website crashed, as upset Americans are looking to flee the country. 2. In Californ...

8 years ago
Re: STX expats attitude toward Latinos.

Brazilian Blow out?!?!?!?! sounds like a dirty movie I thought the same thing, so I looked it up. I turned out to be straightened hair. Never saw...

8 years ago
Re: VI Republican Caucus on MSNBC

This is potentially election fraud, which I think might be a criminal offense. Allegedly, John Yob falsified the residency record in VI, in order to b...

9 years ago
Re: Helmet Laws

I made this quick video so you can ride a motorcycle (sorta) Have you taken it on Melvin H Evans highway yet? I'm interested to know if it can r...

9 years ago
Re: Professional couple looking to move - Questions galore

i do hate it when people say price point and cabinetry From my side, I dislike the terms "insular", "contingency", and when they repeat the word ...

9 years ago
Re: Gossipy

This? It's a studio with a piano inside. Epstein is a man of many passions.

9 years ago
Re: One flew over the British Virgin Islands

Day 31. It's the last day. I had a great time in BVI, and will probably be back.

9 years ago
Re: One flew over the British Virgin Islands

Understand your cooking situation,, who is doin' your laundry for you? My rental property cames with a rental vehicle, weekly cleaning service, a...

9 years ago
Re: One flew over the British Virgin Islands

Day 30. There is a restroom at the beach. The sign says, "On this island of sun and fun, we don't flush for #1". The visitors probably think the ...

9 years ago
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