Last seen: April 6, 2021 3:22 pm
Hmmm, is the Modem located in your unit? Or just the router?
I know most folks setup WEP or some other security key. But if that isn't a secured network (like mine wasn't"t a few months ago for some odd reason) ...
(tu) It's F'ing RAW!!! You donkey!!!! 😀
Man, it's for officers. thanks for looking out. If any enlisted jobs show up send it my way!
I did, but couldnt access the link from work. It is as if they know I am looking to leave. LOL
The search forum will give you most all of the info you need. I have been reading back over the last several years and have very little unanswered que...
That's awesome Rotor! thanks for the morning chuckle. 😛
Hard to see on my phone. Thanks OT.
Not sure how current it is.
Thats the guy i want to run enviromental policy. *-)
There was no such thing as free will before god created everything. When it was just him alone what good would free will do him? It wasn't until he cr...
I waited over a year for travel pay. DFAS is a joke when they owe soldiers. They could have your pay figured and sorted in one day. I could figure it ...
Precisely. (tu)
He created the Angel Lucifer knowing full well he would turn into Satan. It doesnt make sense for God to create another imortal being knowing that he ...
His page is the best.
Of course if there is a God or Gods he, she, or it is the creator of evil. All that needed to be done to avoid it was not giving free will. If God kno...
“Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America nor, for that matter, in Germany. That is understood. Bu...
Why didnt I think of this? It's a gold mine. *-)
"....any decision made down here will eventually need the blessing and financial help of the federal government..." Is exactly what I meant.
Right on the money. Now will the Feds will pony up?
Showed my 6 and 8 year olds some Mocko Jumbie photos. Now they want stilts so they can be Mocko Jumbies. Had to explain to them that vermont doesnt ha...
I just read an article I found. 75K a month to insure and maintain and something like 300+ gallons an hour to run it. Too bad it is so hugely expensiv...