Last seen: January 8, 2025 2:13 pm
AandA2VI is right. A car is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. That applies anywhere really.
I have a 7.5 KW system with 20 panels currently and roof space to easily add 10 more. We used Mike Bruno of Electricity Wise Strategies for our instal...
Yes, I'm definitely looking at the Tesla Powerwall 2.0 very closely. The early reviews are great. I'm not really an "early adopter" as they say so I w...
Oh yes, my policy is still in full effect. We've been with them for some time and I think we're grandfathered in for the time being. I keep wondering ...
If you or your spouse have citizenship anywhere outside the US, you can get great insurance coverage with Cigna Global. I just received their offer to...
"WAPA had promised residents a 30 percent decrease in power bills following the switch to propane, but that promise now seems like a distant dream, as...
Yes, and no. It becomes harder to deduct that when he is an employee without throwing a red flag. We have been audited five years in a row and I ded...
This is an interesting thread. Keep us posted on the outcomes.
The hard lesson here is NEVER pay the VIRB more than they are due; in fact underpay your income taxes if you can. We always underpay. I'd rather ...
You don't get to see a street humping every day!
And they wonder why their kids are so messed up.
Yikes...that's going to be a legal cluster#@*%.
Here's the link to the video if you have Facebook...
Probably a good christian in his spare time.
I don't understand all this bitching going on---do you want to live here and not pay any taxes? If it were only the paying of the taxes, most peo...
BTW - I report rental income on my tax return though almost always take a loss after expenses. I suspect that would be the case with most short t...
We rented a house for a while and liked it so much we eventually bought from the owner. Having lived in it for a year, I was comfortable with all its ...
Oh I agree, can you let me know what reg, inspection approx. costs. How much is insurance with just basic liability? Basic liability insurance i...
We went up a little $3.33/$3.35. I don't drive much, and have a smaller car, so not that big of a deal for me. My husband has a big ol' truck and wo...
Hotel tax is a 'gross' tax and very few things can be deducted from the total cost when computing tax owed. Perhaps, but if I have to declare the...
Per the document below, if you long-term rent your property you also may be required to have a business license in the VI - particularly if you don't ...
You are correct vicanuck and the IRB is to Fuc**ng lazy to go after all them. The employees get their paycheck and benefits so why should they exer...
Yes...and we're supposed to be coming to a full stop at Stop signs and not using our cell phones when we drive. Yet, few comply with those laws in the...
Let the collusion begin It never stopped. Its all smoke and mirrors with the gas station operator's cartel. But I don't really care about gas pri...
The Hotel Tax is required on any renal less than 90 days; it is paid by the guest as part of the rental rate--it is not paid by the owner. I would ima...