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Joined: February 17, 2010 4:55 pm
Last seen: January 8, 2025 2:13 pm
Topics: 77 / Replies: 2860
Re: International Driving Permit on island?

Why would you need one? What is the purpose of an International Driving Permit? Just wondering...

8 years ago

Our business has a credit card terminal and this month when the statement came in, it had a note on the bottom that said henceforth every VISA credit ...

8 years ago
Re: Hello everyone

Have you tried that, personally? Yes...many times. It works with fire ant, wasps, centipedes and the like. I keep a spray can of WD40 by the...

8 years ago
Re: Hello everyone

i hear if you get bit by a stinging thing like a centipede, rub it with a freshly cut onion. Spray the area with WD40...takes the sting away imme...

8 years ago
Re: Walmart survey

I get my dog food from They have an auto ship program with savings too. I have it shipped to Paradise Freight. Very economical.

8 years ago
Re: Leash Laws?

Pretty much all the dogs in my area are free range, including mine. So just curious . . . How do you know where they pooped? You're picking that ...

8 years ago
Re: St Croix jet boat mechanic

Try contacting Scott or Brian at West End Water Sports in Frederiksted. They have lots of jet skis.

8 years ago
Re: Leash Laws?

Pretty much all the dogs in my area are free range, including mine.

8 years ago
Re: Most Government Workers Could Be Replaced By Robots, New Study Finds

In the VI, most government workers SHOULD be replaced by robots.

8 years ago
Re: Smoke Shop STX? Looking for a battery

I can't order it on amazon, wont ship here. Amazon ships anything to Paradise Freight.

8 years ago
Re: Yet Another Contemplating the Move Thread

In regard to online shopping: Unfortunately, you will find that a large percentage of online retailers do NOT ship to the US Virgin Islands. We hav...

8 years ago
Re: Backpack move to coral bay

After talking for some time I was sold and he said a cook could make it with a few hundred dollars and a backpack in coral bay. He wil...

8 years ago
Re: Moving to VI with 7 pets

I'm hoping to get some advice on location on St. Croix. Try a real estate agent. They're pretty good with this kind of stuff.

8 years ago
Re: Contractor Recommendations on STX

Definitely recommend Dave Follman. His number is 340-771-8426. I knew you'd be lurking!

8 years ago
Re: Contractor Recommendations on STX

Dave Follman. I don't have his number though. Others on STX will probably know him and recommend him to. Great for concrete work.

8 years ago
Re: Moving to St Croix

Its not that bad really. Kind of looks like a smoggy day in a big city. It could be a problem for people with more severe asthma. You get used to it.

8 years ago
Re: STX Helicopter

I stand corrected...but the DEA has been flying around in the black helicopters lately too.

8 years ago
Re: STX Helicopter

The the annual winter pot hunt. No need to be concerned.

8 years ago
Re: Difficulty of adding or enlarging a cistern on a house for sale?

We are building a 650 sq feet house. That's a pretty small house for a 11,000 gallon cistern.

8 years ago
Re: Moving to VI with 7 pets

A rental when you have 7 pets? Forget about it.

8 years ago
Re: Heli's all around stx

Must be a new war coming soon!

8 years ago
Re: Heli's all around stx

There been a lot of National Guard activity at the Boy Scout camp including helicopters flying in the area.

8 years ago
Re: solar panel curiosity

So hindsight being 20/20 would you recommend biting the bullet at the start go Solar and off grid if building a house in STT? With battery walls and m...

8 years ago
Re: Mapp: No Bonds Right Now, V.I. Needs New Taxes to Sustain Budge

Wow... Sounds like a tropical Detroit... Took them almost a decade to turn it around after they hit bottom. The VI has been on the bottom for a d...

8 years ago
Re: Power washing roofs and cistern clean out recomendations?

I have only power washed my roof just before re-coating it. I have never cleaned my cisterns and don't plan to. I test my water annually and don't hav...

8 years ago
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