Last seen: January 8, 2025 2:13 pm
Its highly unlikely that 90% of all areas will be restored by Christmas IMO. I think they just throw those areas out there to placate the masses and k...
On St. Croix there are very few options for boat repair. You have Bryan's Marine or St. Croix Marine and a few independents. Many boat owners are not ...
You can also call Lenn DePalma at AquaTek. Lenn is a very professional installer and can provide the 60 mil vinyl pool liners. He is in the process of...
We have thick vinyl liners in our cisterns. They never leak!
Electrical equipment and supplies needed to be sourced and shipped to the VI. In the best of times without an ocean in between, 7 weeks could be a fas...
I would never lend the thieves that run the government here a penny no matter how much interest they pay.
Its so sad to see the out-of-town linemen standing around waiting for transformers, primary wire and other supplies (like black electrical tape). The ...
Treasure Bay - Biloxi Alhambra - Aruba Flamingo - Bonaire Treasure Bay - St. Lucia Divi Carina - St. Croix
Marias Cantina
The company that owns Divi Carina on St. Croix also owns several other resorts and casinos. They'll be just fine.
Can anyone tell me if the homes in Judith's Fancy subdivision on St. Croix had any damage from the hurricane's? Some did, some didn't. Duh.....
We all knew you guys wouldn't be on STX long. All the best on your newest adventure!
That was awesome!
BBVI has been very impressive during these tough times. That's why I will continue to be a loyal customer.
I prefer shooting thieves and looters.
UPDATE: Sinkhole between Cheeseburgers and Chenay now filled.
I'm beginning to think the words "preventative maintenance" are not in the local government's vocabulary. Preventative the Virgi...
I have 48 panels, on a cement slab on the ground, with earth berms taller than the panels on each side of the slab. No damage. I am shocked the pan...
It costs about 5.00 per hour to run my Generac propane generator. No complaints other than that. $5.00 an hour! OMG. My diesel costs $1.50 an hou...
Check back behind Gallows Bay Hardware...there are hundreds of empty boxes over there.
I won't be going near Home Depot for a few weeks. There isn't anything that they have that I need that bad. Gallows Bay Hardware and St. Croix Trading...
The curfew may be from 10 am to 7 pm on STX, but, the authorities rarely bother with motorists in the morning. So, the curfew is effectively sun up to...
How do you store your diesel fuel and keep it fresh? What size tank? Is it buried? Since the hurricane, we have learned it might be best to have ...
Quiet, no smell, propane lasts forever........ Until there is major hurricane the the propane supplier won't deliver for a few weeks. Diesel...
There was never military at the ATT tower site even once. After the generator was stolen, armed civilians who were guarding Gallows Bay watched the AT...