Last seen: January 8, 2025 2:13 pm
I saw the advisory text from another non-Virgin islands source and promptly went to sleep. Its got to be more than an "advisory" to get my attent...
Hello My wife and I are planning to make the jump to the island, What are some of the forgotten costs of living there. We are hoping to pay cash f...
You can re point your Dish yourself. Just get the system set up page up on your screen and have someone to help you call out the signal strength perce...
Yes, the BMV can make you a new title.
A WAPA contractor inadvertently cut a fiber main out west. Its all fixed now apparently.
So how do people that do not work for a company that provides health insurance afford medical care? Thanks Pam We go into debt I've b...
Must we encourage the advertisers?
Hopefully they'll run it a bit better than the pathetic management they have had in the past.
I need dish repair, and they won't even take my order. They said they don't have any open slots and to call back in a few days. If non then, call ba...
Contact Paradise Satellite at 340-718-2488 or if not working or on Facebook using Messenger.
brew pub changed hands not that long ago. their new menu is nice. we did eat there a few weeks back and the food was great under the old owners B...
Oops i meant Above the Cliff. I really like Off the Wall, walls and cliffs too confusing. I never really liked Above The Cliff. It always had a w...
Food portions are just right. i don't leave there feeling bloated. Sounds promising...I will visit soon!
Went there a few times food was OK. Not worth going out of my way for. i hate seeing anything close down though. I've enjoyed Off The Wall many t...
Common Cents Pub kicks ass. I wish Jen good luck. She has a good staff too. The rent is very expensive for that space. The last operator, Mike Ma...
Burn it. The people who run this place are so f**king stupid.
No word yet on when or if the casino will reopen.
This is a nice playground for mainland retirees with assets. Its not even that anymore.
In my years of experience, traffic tickets and parking tickets in the VI will never be an issue if left unpaid until you sell the vehicle or renew you...
You can buy individual healthcare from one of several providers if you hold citizenship from other country. Just Google "expat insurance".
Rumors are that Duggan is going in the galleon location. Duggan's will NOT be taking the Galleon location. The demolition of the old Duggan'...
If you build an ice rink, I along with many others would come. I think there would be a huge demand for public skating, hockey leagues, etc. ...
Here in NY it's such a scam for tickets. . Enforcement of the Justice System was never meant to be monetized. Please cite references!
I hang out in F'sted a lot, over heard a lineman last night say he "hadn't seen a power line since I dunno when, things are going slow as shit". ...
My power lines are already underground from the meter base by the pole to my house.