Last seen: January 8, 2025 2:13 pm
If you have a KIA (Korean Car), it may be assembled in the USA, which exempts you from paying extra fees to customs. I bought a Ford, but it was ...
You'll probably find that the VI police force isn't really interested in solving crimes. That would be too much work, or, might involve a relativ...
You can always sue for up to $10K in Small Claims Court.
I'm a Prime member but can never be bothered to pursue them for free shipping. Some say that you can get a refund but I just don't have the time.
Great info here. I will never use these people.
Would be great of HD would do ship to store online orders for their standard stuff but they don't seem to want to be bothered with that. Instead you ...
You hadn't mentioned what island you would be coming to. In any case, obtaining a business license is relatively easy these days. There are ...
I pretty much stopped going to the STX Home Depot. Its so poorly stocked and managed that its more reliable to order from HD online. Just curious...
OfficeMax on STX is another story...I would never shop there either.
HD online does not ship to VI. You shipping to freight forwarder? Always....
Keep in mind that your insurance company's adjuster works for the insurance company, not you. If you need a structural engineer, you're going to want ...
Ahhhh we found one! Home Depot ipened the back isles and they had one! Wahoo!! Toilets, appliances, fixtures, cabinets, tile, blinds - all open! Not e...
There are still many house rentals available at any given time. Check with the realtors.
Metro Motors in Golden Rock Toyota and Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram on the Northside Road Straker Motors on the Northside Road.
The bankrupt government doesn't pay its bills so the hosting company probably took the site down. That would be my guess.
The national economy is getting better, so prices are going up nationwide. Rumors are circulating on St. Croix that theres a good possibility of ...
There's a lot of that going on these days. I've seen several friends and acquaintances leave recently. But, the islands are a very transient place. Pe...
why? Do you think they have to do all tasks at school? Having had two kids (now adults), it was just such an endless hassle to deal with all the ...
Do you think that children of primary schools should be able to perform homework without the support of parents and teachers? Personally, I don't...
I would say there is a 70% chance of refining at this point, from what I know.
Its a bit premature for the Governor to make this announcement, but, there is definitely talks going on at a high level. Expect an announcement in lat...
You can use the ATT Hot Spot feature on your cell phone rather than buying another piece of equipment.
We also dined at the Buc one night after Kendrick took over the kitchen. Haven't been back after that experience. When I dine at The Buccaneer, I...
Also, you need to think about your healthcare and how you'll be able to abstain care. Individual insurance is not available here. My husband works 6 m...
I use it as chain lube in my chainsaw.