Last seen: January 8, 2025 2:13 pm
Kinda like the government or WAPA or more like Plaza Extra and their ilk?
Another sign of the times. Things are going to get pretty lean in the VI for the next few years. Maybe people will start cruising again (lol).
Great thread...very entertaining!
It was amazing! They were like the Walmart of Australia. My son shops there regularly.
But, sooner or later, go they will. Interestingly, when I was in Australia a few months ago, I discovered that they have thriving Kmart stores almos...
I don't have Prime for the free shipping, I have it for the streaming TV and music service. Free shipping doesn't matter to me. When I want what I w...
Personally, I would love to see a Walmart here and I fully expect they will move in as soon as Kmart finally collapses. They have a massive distributi...
My wife went to Kmart the other day and found the shelves basically bare. She left empty handed so we just ordered everything from ...
@singlefin Yes, I did. I finally came out on top for a change. Honestly, it was my private adjuster who was extremely knowledgeable and negotiated t...
I'm currently working on a post-Maria renovation. Although the insurance company paid out handsomely, I try as much as possible to order my supplies o...
@stjohnjulie Thank you so much for your thoughts!
@gators_mom Thank you so much for your message. I really didn't think I needed permits but was second guessing myself as I prepare to submit receipt...
I'm just doing some Maria renovations inside the house. Nothing new just fixing what's there. Is a permit needed?
I don't "hate" the VI. But, after living here for 15 years, I can easily see why some people do come to hate it here. There's a lot to dislike. I can ...
I have a Yukon and wouldn't trade it for a Jeep. I never have a problem parking it and it glides over the crappy roads like I'm on a cloud. I don't re...
The DLCA market basket survey has no basis in reality for the average shopper whatsoever. I don't know why they even bother. It would be far more usef...
Buck Island is under Federal jurisdiction of the NPS. DPNR only hang around there to enforce local boating laws I believe.
@gators_mom True...but homeowners are installing DIY systems that just plug in.
The only thing the "new" net metering program will achieve is having more complete off grid installations and more unpermitted rogue systems.
@Scubadoo Over the years, I've seen DPNR at Buck dozens of times and have even been stopped by them. I've never once been bothered by NPS law enforcem...
@gators_mom That's actually great information...I had no idea that I couldn't legally add batteries with my net metering agreement. But, I know severa...