when i go someplace and no longer realize right away i'm the only white person there,well thats a good thing i guess
i'm reading a can't put down book called "the magicians",lol i have to be to work in 6 hours but this book is so good and well written i want to read ...
well i just read an email from my big little sister in which she tells me that she hopes i die from aids or hepatitus,lol this coming from the woman t...
dead town tonight but my favorite lawyer and his wife were in tonight, he's got the murdering cop case and hearing about the trial is cool.
beth i'm sorry that was your expierence there i've always seen a counselor and have been sent right away to interviews or have had them set up for me,...
ah trade it's nothing to do withattention seeking it has every thin to do with , doinmg the right thing
ah so you're sucking on the tit of america,why do you deserve it, killing babies in vietnam does'ntc ount
and so lizard who's paying for your health benefits?
lol the crabby one
hey no matter what alot of you think the TRW is a nice guy,
no lizard, most people have 2 or 3 people inside themselves, and jeez lizard you seem so bitter alot of the time , facing death?,not used to be worn ...
look you dumbass have you not figured out yet that you're dealing with like 5 or 6 TRW's , you'vr got the nice one and then you have the evil one and ...
nope non of the above lizard, just thoughtfull, why would "renters" have any vested interest in anything, as far as i can tell they are parasites,they...
hey yell at me all you want but i still believe if you're not a property or landowner you have no right to vote,no vested interest in anything
well our regular cook,keith, is in antigua for a couple of weeks and the lady is out sick for a couple of days so we have a young guy cooking right no...
something to think about.......when the blows start raining down from the heavens the tall people are gonna get whacked first
well unless i start a second job i'll be over on stt next weekend not this one coming but the next,i'll be staying with my sister and her mom sat nigh...
thats odd because i've never had a problem there,nothing like whats been described above,it's always been a good experience for me,the longest i've ha...
the people that take the time to register, and no it's not slim pickens, lots of jobs here
ah my birth father, you know the sperm donor, is afraid of me and my mouth i told him years ago that my big little sister was bad news, but do you thi...
lol well i'm getting email from my family after all these years and apparently they are going into meltdown mod and are finally starting to fight amon...
actually aussie they have 2 lists, 1 for just anybody and 1 for real people
just started a 3rd load of laundry and the water pump for the house dies on me so i'm hauling 5 gallon buckets of water from the well to finish this l...
sunny isle branch, you need to go dressed as if you're going toaninterview, first thing you fill out paperwork about your self andjobhistory, they'd a...