There was a pizza hut downtown?
Is this restaurant located in C'sted across from the fort or F'sted across from the fort?
Yes, there are some highly compensated execs at the company but do your homework. Not all employees at Stanford fall into that category and some loca...
Try Pet Lock Electrical in Peter's Rest/Sion Farm area. They are also much cheaper on light switches than both GBH and Carib
My doctor diagnosed this condition as a fungus that's very common here. He prescribed rubbing Selsen Blue shampoo on it. Leave on one hour. Use for...
If you are interested in teak patio furniture you might check Sweet Lime Furniture. Teak is a good option for the island as it holds up in this envir...
Yes, it's common for a company to require this in the VI. Your stateside insurance carrier would probably not be an admitted carrier here so you will...
First step may be to call the Department of Banking and Insurance. Ask if State Farm is on their list of recognized carriers for the USVI.
As for difficult guests, I don't think they need to be handled here any differently than what you would do now if they visit. But, a few things we ha...
Hi Daisy. My husband and I relocated January 2006 from the Akron area. He is originally from Toledo and I am from Wooster. What part of the Clevela...
Yes, you can buy plastic storage containers on island and order them through the Internet. The intent of my comment was that I gave away a lot of Tu...
Try White Cliffs. 773-0521. We just had a sliding glass door installed and couldn't be happier with the quality of the door and the quality of the i...
The Cultured Pelican is advertising Thanksgiving dinner with their usual 1/2 price Thursday's to resume the following week.
Jen Until you can find the ProActive, you might want to check out Soaps and Scents dowtown C'sted. She makes all her own products with natural ingr...
Yes, they are nice and centrally located. Here's another link to a specific unit that's available for rental.
Carlos, Speaking only for myself and without general knowledge of what the island needs, I would appreciate having a good Periodontist on island....
I think the decision on how much to bring also depends on how much living and storage space you will have and how much you are willing to pay for ship...
Congratulations on your move to our beautiful island and to the start of your business. Since you are working with a financial planner you have proba...