Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
It's quite interesting to view all the obstructionism here with few exceptions. Especially from those who care about animals. There has been next...
Your lease defines the terms. I've never seen a lease which specifies any details other than "includes electricity" so the source of the current ...
I'm hoping to find someone who's looking to share. Thanks for that suggestion! A neighbor lost his PO box a while back when he left island for a...
So what qualifications do you think she should have that she's lacking, based on the qualifications deemed desirable for the position?
From AARP VI on her appointment to the JFL Hospital board in 2014: "As an AARP VI member serving on the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital Board, Kim...
Good grief, OT. Senator never said what you infer. You're jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth. /quote] Not at all. Going st...
I was asked why I started this. You don't have to agree. It's strictly my point of view. Of course. But surely that doesn't preclude others ...
So the senator will only sponsor introduction of a bill if a certain number of residents sign a petition. Too bad the good senator doesn't have enoug...
But surely posting about an outage a few minutes after it happens is a bit of overkill, no?
The one incident you apparently are referring to as the basis for the "bang up job" she did as Mapp's spokesperson was addressed earlier. The civil ...
I could see from my vantage point that Peterborg didn't lose power - the whole peninsula was lit up as usual, not just those "mcmansions". 😀 East o...
From spokesperson for Mapp to deputy director of Health with only a nursing degree is a bit of a leap, especially since the appointed director has no ...
And who is this senator? You'll find out when the time is right.! Does the senator not want to be identified? If not, why not? (Is the senato...
So is there a problem with her having worn many different hats? I'm confused.
It was only on the North side (lights were on way across) for a little over an hour. If you're not back on then that's your little pocket again! It ...
WOW. Someone messaged me the phone number for the STX taxi association. I just called to talk to someone and they were super RUDE ... You need to...
she used to be on the radio? and wasnt there something going on with her ??? You can find out all about her on a quick internet search.
I don't know what can be done to change the drivers' behavior ... Report it in writing to the VI Taxi Association and the Commissioner along with...
It's really daft. Had the intent been as monogram assumes (which if you read it makes no sense anyway) then there would have been a semicolon or at l...
OT I love you girl, but sometimes you always act like you're the ONLY one that lives here that knows anything lol. You're absolutely entitled to ...
parroting - one who imitates the words or actions of another, especially without understanding them.
Disastrous but there is a surcharge after midnight and a surcharge for oversized luggage. Next time around check the rates so you know exactly what t...
Simple Grammar 101. Your interpretation is illogical.
"(2) A person who has attended a school in the Virgin Islands for at least six (6) years or is a high school or University of the Virgin Islands gradu...
... a hospital that was reprimanded only a year ago for butchering patients and infants ... Such hyperbole is sadly hilarious.