Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
The group from Disney is allegedly offering their services at no charge. However, it seems realistic to assume that all their travel expenses, room a...
Recycling has been the "norm" for decades in the majority of states and most of the rest of the word.
"Many grocery stores in Europe have had a pay for bag or no bag policy for years." Not quite. The first country to implement such a charge was B...
The shenanigans of this administration are so putrid that everyone needs to go through the day wearing a gas mask to diffuse the stench.
The deposit is based on average monthly usage for the unit, in other words one month's deposit - not a huge amount unless you're renting a multi-bedro...
I have invited many people into my home.. Crackheads, heroin addicts.. Never meth, but then again meth wasn't big where I was from in Michigan. Some I...
Again, where has anyone blamed the victims other than noting their well documented criminal activities and history?
I know many, many people who've moved to the islands and very successfully raised their children here. The main issue which comes up is the expense o...
Blaming the victims, sickening really. You're certainly reading an awful lot into a few comments about the dead people's criminal past to reach ...
Hardly. Picking on my (rather inconsequential) use of the word "newfound" in the title is more attractive than offering condolences. Inconsequent...
They need to do like they do in BVI grocery stores bring in your own bag or pay 25 cents for a plastic bag. A system which the UK government quit...
"Any thoughts on the substance of the thread ..." What substance? If you mean this, ... It might explain local-transplant relations in som...
What "newfound interest"? Heavy reporting of foreign nationals murdered on foreign soil on vacation has always been the norm as far back as I remembe...
Lining up two junkies and shooting them in the head execution-style is first degree murder. Ergo one assumes that you're somehow privy to detail...
Assuming you've read the vast amount of information in the drop-down menus top of this page, have you chosen St John because of a particular job oppor...
So where will be this time next year when it's all gone? Back to square one of course.
Submitted legislation has to be passed and then the funding found to implement it. It sounds nice but there's really no point in highlighting it befo...
I "bear" to watch "BS". It can be painful but seeing it as it unravels puts the ensuing comments and opinions into a wider perspective - which can al...
Of robberies? I'm sorry the death penalty handed out by someone on the street is not justice. I wasn't confining the comment to robberies. Nobod...
".... but we are also the only ones we know of, besides you Alana that didn't get Chick." Let's not get carried away with hyperbole. Seriously,...
Bullets to the head meted out by a person on the street may be the type of justice you prefer but civiliEd people from civilized nations differ. ...
WAPA out???????
As EE suggested, check with Ronnie at Crystal Palace.
Assume you've checked craigslist for rentals? There are of course scams on there but if they're not readily apparent when you first look at them, the...
Children's Parade Friday 29th, Adult Parade Saturday 30th.