Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
In just three days of a PMV, suggest you eliminate from the list, "we will snorkel and swim every chance we can." 😀 Also, I don't ever remember...
just remember-no individual health insurance in the virgin islands exists at this time at all Except for real ex-pats (from other countries) I believ...
I lived here for the first 10 or so years without health insurance. No biggie. And no doubt you were fortunately in good health for those 10 year...
The "dolphin steak" in the supermarket has nothing to do with Flipper's family but is mahi-mahi.
Living near 13, I often run up the hill for pizza if I don't feel like cooking or get other take out from nearby restaurants. Since the op is the one ...
I know people who've done both - but the problem with buying is that if you can't sell it before you leave you're a bit stuck unless you find someone ...
This thread has turned into a Pizzafest - but I've never heard of anyone making a trip to Thirteen for pizza. As far as the restaurant being, "too da...
AandA2VI, so where does one find that $80 round trip between STT and STX - you never came back with that info and enquiring minds want to know the tri...
It's an excellent restaurant and I'd suggest you call them directly with that question.
I'm surprised you couldn't find anything related to costs as it's a widely discussed subject. This current thread (amongst many others) addresses it:...
So what was the original question? Threads so often get so daftly derailed. 😀
Are you looking for suggestions on where to stay during your visit or for potential rentals if and when you make the move? If the latter, you might c...
All the major recording artists are now recording on vinyl - and tape is making a resurgence too in the recording industry. For years vinyl has been ...
I guess it's good news for people who have a bunch of gizmos but I don't have, "Apple TV, Fire TV, Android TV and Roku boxes". My HD DVR receiver cos...
Good grief.
My health issues aren't anything serious, mainly pollution related and allergies, but I also can no longer physically take the cold weather on the mai...
If your personal health reasons hinge around something serious then be sure you can get good treatment here - and remember that we're NOT covered by t...
The recommendation of $10K is for basic start-up costs on island, not including airfare. Landlords usually require 1st, last and one month's security...
Where is a good place to look for info on the schools? General information on local schools is easy enough to find but your main concentration sh...
When advertisers give contact information, so much easier to contact them directly rather than post with questions ... 😀
Oh for goodness' sakes. islandthyme, get off the soap box, control yourself and stop reacting so hysterically - and rudely.
Just because somebody is a Statesider ensures their honesty and and inability to not be corrupted? Really. NugBlazer's rant is so full of gaping...
Use the search engine for information about shipping a vehicle here - there are several threads on the subject. Change the search date for the greate...
There's little point in bickering over this and speculating when obviously the investigation is unfinished and many questions still remain unanswered.