Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Nobody was injured. Local media has covered the incident extensively.
1. ... Hopefully you can easily find them online but if not visit the local Police Station. 2. From what I understand STX is a small Island so...
One is a daschund dominant mut, and the other is an Australian Shepard dominant mut. Both are friendly towards other pets and extremely good with chil...
Food costs, while some disagree, run our family 2 adults, 1 toddler $800/month. I can't imagine how you could possibly spend that much on just f...
Information on STJ and STX are all on the VITEMA website and were also noted on local TV news. Fully covered in Source and Consortium too and, I'm...
In my opinion there is no "best". The "coconut telegraph" is the most unreliable.
The TV coverage on Monday night and last night was "new news" following the success of the Yobs and the issue of questionable practices arising. No a...
The fire was reported on local TV news last night. A luxury yacht was engulfed in flames off the waterfront and was subsequently towed away. The mat...
The story was covered again in last night's local TV news in interviews with David Johnson and Andrea Lee Moeckel. The Yobs garnered two delegate spo...
Yes, that's what I saw on their website.
It was on the local TV news last night.
I'm still waiting on my license renewal which I paid for in Dec. Might be helpful to clarify that this isn't a nursing license but a totally unre...
I responded to an ad a while back for an RN position (non hospital), and got a call in about 10 minutes. Unfortunately I didn't have my USVI license ...
I would contact the hospital personally and not get tied up with a travel company, which usually only signs you up for like 6 months to a year. Try an...
10 mbps speeds are definitely not a problem in the VI. Where are you getting that from? BroadbandVI seems to offer 10mbps to small businesses fo... got me there. Good web searching OT! But you can't make me believe that Cigna/Cigna Global would swindle a few Virgin Islanders to mak...
The Cigna not Cigna Global...two different divisions. Cigna Global - Resources for Broker and Producers
Sugar Bay is not going to close. But it is, however, facing serious challenges since losing its EDC status and is now facing charges of illegally...
Not so...Cigna Global is not sold by independent reps. You deal with them directly. Cigna Producer Contract:
Are there mods on this board? Why is this discussion on a forum about relocation? Should it not be in "Under a Coconut Tree"? Yes, it should. Cl...
The above post has pictures, inside as well, on the link in original post. And, most that post here in classified section has pictures on Craig's li...
I've never had an issue getting a claim paid. Because you're a legitimate insured, i.e. non-US citizen. Those who are not are naturally sceptica...
If you've already digested all the information in the pull-down menus top of the page you may want to use the search engine where your questions are c...
See top of page, pull-down menu ,"Relocating" and scroll down to the section on pets. Yes, you need a health certificate.
See post header and click on the craigslist link.