Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Oft-repeated, but have you read all the information in the drop-down menus top of this page? Aside from that vast amount of information, the question...
What part of the West End could possibly be compared to dangerous areas to avoid???? Ever seen those huge pigs up off the beaten path in Bordeaux...
1. ... Finding someone to share an apartment with for 5 months isn't really realistic because most are looking for people who intend to stay for a lon...
Even at that, they still got my birth year off by 20 years. Was that good or bad? 😀
But how long ago did you get your driver's licenses? Rules change over time and the instructions do now say that a state record is a requirement.
Its not a search you just click the OPs name and then click see all posts and you see stx it literally takes 2 to 3 seconds depending on your bandwith...
Just check the OPs other posts and they are all stx related. Oh please, one has to do a search of a poster's history to find out which island? N...
stx Thanks, Looking for something on STT.
Its pretty obvious that its in St Croix "Obvious" how?
You've lived here how long? 😀
Which island?
You may also consider how well the house is built. If it's built like a fortress to withstand a CAT 5 and well off the ground to avoid any flood dama...
Click on "prohibited" to tag it for moderator review.
AFriend: a good alternate perspective.
These scams are NOT uncommon throughout craigslist anywhere. If you're a local familiar with your area and see a scam then report it. Just early thi...
It was already mostly developed and presumably the new owners are going to finish it up under the already granted permits.
Technology advances and local installers aren't always abreast of the changes. Simply posting information which might bear researching by those looki...
The place by Allied is really quick. Less than 30 minutes. I think it cost my wife $57, but she uses synthetic OP is on STX.
Always remember to try to never end up with the government owing you a refund. It can take years to get your tax refund check. The interest they pay i...
Isn't there that traveling mechanic on STX that comes to your home and does simple car repairs and fixes? For less than $50?
They're not fabric panels. They're a type of clear plastic but not plastic panels that are similar to the galvanized ones but lighter by far than wh...
DIY is an option but $50 is the norm here for commercial.
Well said, Afriend. I don't know the USVI statistics of those killed while operating motor scooters and they're likely considerably less than the...