Illustrious Member
Joined: December 4, 2011 12:04 pm
Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Topics: 154 / Replies: 6369
Re: Will STX Survive without its Cruise Ships...?

Hopefully the commercials are showing throughout the US, not just in California, as that wouldn't make a lot of sense, . Throughout the US.

9 years ago
Re: Finding Tenants? Is rental property a bad ROI?

I think that's good general advice for any landlord really. Absolutely - universal! I was a LL stateside too but there are certainly rather uniq...

9 years ago
Re: Mr Mapp's peculiar meddling

I don't think the legislative report answers the question of if there is a plan to add another concession at Magens. I would also like to know how muc...

9 years ago
Re: Ceremonial vehicles

As per the latest update: NO ceremonial vehicles... I am confident they will always find a way to get 'em. /blockquote> I believe the very pr...

9 years ago
Re: Mr Mapp's peculiar meddling

What "report"? Link in post dated yesterday, 8:14PM.

9 years ago
Re: Mr Mapp's peculiar meddling

MBA is one of the most functional boards and does an excellent job, in my opinion. Mapp should leave well enough alone. He just can't wait to get his ...

9 years ago
Re: Mr Mapp's peculiar meddling

If those positions aren't paid then who the heck is getting all that money!? Dumb question I guess. This should answer your question which isn't ...

9 years ago
Re: Richard in St.Croix

An arbitrator is someone who settles a dispute and I don't see where there was any dispute. You asked a question and I answered it. My bad.

9 years ago
Re: Richard in St.Croix

Did anyone ever find out who published it? It was never a secret:

9 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 1692
Re: Will STX Survive without its Cruise Ships...?

OT....I never assume anything...except that you are always right.... Of course I'm not - but I also only speak of that which I know.

9 years ago
Re: Microwave repair

Back in the day, all sorts of things lasted for years and years but all too soon built-in obsolescence became the norm. I had a food processor fo...

9 years ago
Re: Microwave repair

or take the door off and make a flower planter out of it:D I'm all for recycling!

9 years ago
Re: Will STX Survive without its Cruise Ships...?

I wasn't suggesting you were confused but just mistaken, if that was your assumption.

9 years ago
Re: Microwave repair

Years ago I looked into having a microwave fixed and no appliance person would even look at it, let alone touch it. As daveb722 said, they're not exp...

9 years ago
Re: Will STX Survive without its Cruise Ships...?

OT... Carnivals pullout has to affect the whole industry in regards to stx. . Not sure of the point you're making. Are you at all familia...

9 years ago
Re: Finding Tenants? Is rental property a bad ROI?

I've no doubt that I'm no exception in having enough material to write a book on the ups and downs of being a landlord here but until you've lived her...

9 years ago
Re: Will STX Survive without its Cruise Ships...?

Investigate why stx has not been on the cruise ship schedule..... In your opinion why has it not to any great degree? If you're referring to Car...

9 years ago
Re: Will STX Survive without its Cruise Ships...?

The eventual opening of Cuba as a tourist destination has been a discussion point for many decades in the cruise industry. Whatever "threat" was imag...

9 years ago
Re: Rental Search

And keep an eye on the classified section on this site as new rentals pop up all the time.

9 years ago
Re: Stacey Plaskett's snub to President Obama on Cuba delegation

I was questioning more your assertion that her experience working in DC afforded her special privileges communicating one on one with the President th...

9 years ago
Re: Stacey Plaskett's snub to President Obama on Cuba delegation

You have your opinion and I have mine. Just pointing out that they both work in very high positions for the same company and will inevitably cross pat...

9 years ago
Re: Lost drivers license

As you probably already know, you can't replace your license without appearing in person at a CA DMV so that puts you in quite a bind unless you have ...

9 years ago
Re: Finding Tenants? Is rental property a bad ROI?

I've been a landlord both here and stateside and being a landlord here is a totally different ballgame for myriad reasons. This for you is a possibil...

9 years ago
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