Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
It's rare to come across a landlord who'll rent month to month from the start but there are many who are happy to let the occupancy slide into a month...
Seems that the additional $10 fee mandate will be rescinded: It's unfortunate that it wasn't thought out more carefully before implementation as...
Medicare is accepted but not by all doctors from what I've heard. Think you have to be 65 to be eligible for Medicare. Yes, you do. There w...
Have you gone through all the information in the drop-down menus top of this page? There's a ton of information there. Quote from RULES : "Wel...
Have you gone through all the information in the drop-down menus top of this page? There's a ton of information there.
I haven't had the luxury of a massage in a very long time but having it in my own home was simply wonderful! There were a few therapists on STT who d...
again, so predictable not sure whose reading comprehension you are bashing, but i doubt it was mine. i dont believe i referenced any particular p...
Call the kettle black much? I remember not so long ago you "resorting" to telling me that I should be on RX meds when I got a little heated about...
That was really big local news and I think was briefly discussed on this forum. The governor vetoed the measure.
Curious stxsailor, can one person travel with multiple animals? I haven't yet looked into that. I believe you have to contact whichever airline...
You did say STT. Which area of STT?
In which area are you going to be living?
lmao, you are so predictable No worries - I find lack of reading comprehension sad but equally amusing at times.:D
Mike, they've been politely (in most cases) given the information they're seeking. Some are merely suggesting that better planning would have elimina...
It doesn't sit well with me that the students lost a day of school but I absolutely understand the teachers' frustration. They've been dealing with t...
... Is Amazon not an option anymore? Is there no prime or free shipping to VI? ... ... Now I'm curious about Amazon shipping issues. Already...
I did read somewhere that the Electric is pretty high. Not sure how comparable to your $3500 rental size now. Our electric rates last year were ...
And besides, my shoes don't mold over night. That's funny - for many years I lived under the delusion that everywhere on the North side was damp ...
On that note, do you know any reputable realtors??? I'm acquainted with several realtors but have never dealt with any on a professional level so...
What on earth are you getting your knickers in such a twist about? Simply commenting on a comment you made. and it's unfortunate that you decided to t...
Where you live is, you'll find, dependent on your job location. It's impossible to categorize different areas as "good" or "bad" as there are no typi...
I'm not sure that there's much else to say other than the advice already given on this thread. Resorts and larger corporations in general have HR dep...
On-island thrift stores (loads of local retailers donate unsold good clothes) and eBay ...
Exactly. If the protesting poster would even take the time to read before jumping ...