Illustrious Member
Joined: December 4, 2011 12:04 pm
Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Topics: 154 / Replies: 6369
Re: 2-3 month rental in STT Beginning in Late May

Have you contacted any local realtors?

9 years ago
Re: So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.

There's a lot that goes on OT. Everywhere. . Exactly what I said in response to your "only here" statement. :S

9 years ago
Re: Moving May 1 to St.Thomas

Sure there is. Lived on STT for 12 years before first coming across it and even now where I live on the damper side of the island it only creeps onto...

9 years ago
Re: So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.

Bringing up Sirenusa is going back almost 10 years and still doesn't alter the fact that unless there's a zoning law in effect which grants homeowners...

9 years ago
Re: So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.

Sure it's messy and an inconvenience and disruptive but is there anything in any zoning laws anywhere that says when you buy a property with a view th...

9 years ago
Re: Work, Live, and Play questions.

... wondering if there are any fishing licenses or restrictions on regular fishing and bowfishing.

9 years ago
Re: So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.

Leaping into the fray when facts are simply being speculated upon is just plan daft. Someone's apparently cutting back vegetation on their STX proper...

9 years ago
Re: So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.

Why is your heart broken? These are not endangered trees, apparently they're not being yanked out of the ground willy-nilly and they grow back very q...

9 years ago
Re: So sad... Sea grape trees being cut down.

Removing and trimming way back are very different operations.

9 years ago
Re: Work, Live, and Play questions.

STT is just getting started for their season. I'm guessing that's a typo. Tex: "Just want to get a general consensus of how it is living th...

9 years ago
Re: notice to quit

You'll find a bunch listed here: Once you've narrowed the field you can ask for references from people who use their services and hopefully ther...

9 years ago
Re: Tile floor stripper on STX

I doubt a little bitty floor cleaner like that would strip a floor. The commercial machines are super heavy duty for tough jobs. Tammy, a word o...

9 years ago
Re: Need input on Car shipping

if the op is not old enough to rent, why suggest it? stt does have better options though I didn't, Alana33 did. I then mentioned Budget and then...

9 years ago
Re: Need input on Car shipping

OP is only 21 so neither renting nor leasing may be an option. But buying a car for $2-$3K, spending minimum $2K to ship it and then with all the add...

9 years ago
Re: Need input on Car shipping

I'm told that Budget offers 3 month max rentals for around $700/month.

9 years ago
Re: Need input on Car shipping

I remain confused about why so many posters insist that bringing a vehicle here is the only way to go. We have more than enough vehicles here already...

9 years ago
Re: notice to quit

Screening is a sensible tool but certainly not a guarantee as daveb722 pointed out - and his experience is something I too have dealt with. Unfortuna...

9 years ago
9 years ago
Re: Just got a job

Sounds like you really did pack in a lot in those six days and accomplished much! Have fun on STT and hope the move goes smoothly.

9 years ago
Re: First Time Visit This Saturday (STX)

There are plenty of realtors who are more than happy to show a prospective transplant around and form the basis of what might be a future mutually ben...

9 years ago
Re: notice to quit

There are very few states which mandate anything less than a month and we're not one of them, so send the notice to quit as explained giving a month's...

9 years ago
Re: Private Health Insurance

I think the Bar Association does, though. Only if you're a duly licensed lawyer.

9 years ago
Re: Tile floor stripper on STX

Aw shucks, can you go for a male stripper (no pasties)?

9 years ago
Re: Tile floor stripper on STX

Ditto. Thought for a moment that Doug had a special birthday coming up.

9 years ago
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