Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
"Teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs" comes to mind. The algorithms used by your employers aren't in the least bit unusual in corporate Americ...
Lid needs reinforcement - those pop-off tabs are way too flimsy for effective containment.
so you are saying that there isn't a different culture here, that work ethics are on-par with all other places ... ) The point being questioned w...
Just a note of caution which bears repeating - the attrition rate of newcomers is VERY high, so best advice is to live here for at least a couple of y...
I have worked in large, corporate environments where college degrees usually are a requirement for consideration. Those without degrees rarely make th...
What is CAM? You should know from SITC's constant posting on the subject that he's referring to Caribbean Auto Mart. 😀
When hire, I look for a college degree to assure a candidate is able to start and finish something. Wow, with all due respect have you really don...
A total waste of time and taxpayer's money while the only benefits are reaped by the attorneys on both sides. What is a total waste of time ex...
A total waste of time and taxpayer's money while the only benefits are reaped by the attorneys on both sides.
I find the hypocrisy amusing when it is perfectly OK to kill fish with a spear gun. Indeed and I count myself as a total hypocrite where this is ...
You can call here for information on procedure, hours, etc. St. Thomas / St. John Office 1303 Hospital Ground Suite 10 Charlotte Amalie St....
I know what it means in current parlance, just interesting how definitions often do a major shift over a relatively few short years. "Cutting the cor...
We have Hulu, Amazon Prime, Roku, Apple TV, etc. Many people are cutting the cord, as they call it. That's the strangest definition of "cutting t...
It's also easy to extort drivers only for extra money for a party you may not attend or care about. ($10 plate extortion) That was rescinded.
Ms411, I care not a rat's patootie that you deem what I use "obsolete". I live a simple life these days without a whole mess of bells and whistles. ...
If you have a USPS mailbox they will hold the packages for 30 days as long as you notify them. Otherwise it's a couple of weeks.
I have the Innovative package - telephone, internet and cable and am VERY happy with it. No problems at all, have had it now for 3 years after ditchi...
Have you checked craigslist? There are a couple of rustic cottages advertised there. Some scams keep popping up there and the faster they're tagged ...
I just saw the photo in the Daily News. From what I can see, almost every senator was there. Did they pay $1,000+ to attend? That's what I would like ...
Of course it makes no sense. When anyone from "there" sets foot here it's the norm for the forum to start humming with speculation about who's paying...
LOL Tart! Sorry I sound like a whiner. I operate my stateside business from my home here on STX and I am a bit frustrated. My fault for not putting in...
I have a couple of tin cans and a ball of twine you can borrow ... :@)
Who's footing the bill when Mapp goes to China? If it's the VI Government I'm sure the money will have been well spent when that select group of Chin...
Contact your server.
Indeed. I kept an old plug in phone, no electricity required for when power was out, just plug it into the jack. Can't use it anymore since the EVO sy...