Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
I think this is definitely something we should have a very long discussion about, paying attention to specific authors, publishers, date published, nu...
You can get that online too. $1/week for the first 12 weeks.
Don't miss grubby fingers from print newspapers! Get plenty of real books from friends, flea market, a couple of restaurants/bars. Of course you can ...
Another friend just got an all electric car. They are solar powered so won't impact their WAPA bill. I was driven in one a couple of weeks ago....
Not to belabor the point but I have had a Smartmeter for over a year! Thank you for the updates!!! But is it online yet even though it's rec...
Thanks Old Tart.....but how many days in a monthly cycle can they bill you for? I do not know of any business that bills you for over a 30 day peri...
Thanks Old Tart.....but how many days in a monthly cycle can they bill you for? I do not know of any business that bills you for over a 30 day peri...
... they said it was due to shortage of meter readers necessitating the estimated bills. ! Precisely what the installation of SmartMeters is...
Likely all to do with the switch to SmartMetering.
I'd be more concerned if they added several zeros to the amount due. We actually had that happen once. Two extra zeros to be exact. Took over 2 m...
Was that comment really necessary? You talkin' to me?
I'd be more concerned if they added several zeros to the amount due.
I'd prefer a good intellectual discussion over an artisan cocktail before having dinner at a restaurant with tablecloths and where patrons don't wear ...
Bored: One of the things I found most interesting when I moved to St Thomas was meeting and socializing with a much larger group of human beans than I...
Some of the appeal from the outside of living on a small island is a slower pace and simpler way of life. Which in itself is a real "dream on" f...
None of these vehicles are suitable for island transportation period.
Sorry to hear about the scratchy towels. Guess that must be the piped water syndrome? Never had a scratchy towel using cistern water and line drying...
Here's a limited time offer for 50% off on your subscription to the NY Times. /blockquote> Too good to be true for us in 00820: Home Del...
That's a toss-up. On those little tiny tires you have next to no ground clearance and the undercarriage will fall apart in no time. Bad idea. Food ...
I think STT has way too many "old white people", "married white people" and (gasp) "locals" to adequately compensate for the few more young white bast...
How many people on STX would buy it if it were available? Maybe it would help ease your boredom to embark upon a serious market research survey t...
Did I read correctly that in some places it's illegal to collect rainwater?? How on EARTH can that possibly be illegal? I mean - how the hell would th...
Update on the widely touted mouthwash, Epsom salts and beer mosquito repellent. My verdict is, don't bother! It was an interesting experiment which ...
Looks like the 8th on this schedule:
You don't have the equivalent of the RedHookers in STX? Or any Frenchtown Floozies or the classy Downtown Dames? Northside Nookies?