Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Nothing new there. If you happen to live on a designated bus route but don't have time to wait for public transportation then you need to have your o...
And Judge Dunston prevails in the first round:
Well I guess since you have a fear of driving here because of what happened decades ago then you'll just have to keep mentally reaching for that handb...
Already noted yesterday.
Realtor, private landlord or whatever - taking something sight unseen is just not recommended.
Have you considered coming separately as mentioned earlier? It really is the least panic method!
My recommendation is for one of you to come first and secure a place to live and then the other follow with the dogs. Until you get settled, rent a v...
Thanks for the correction. I always (wrongly) assumed that the dry stack next to them was theirs as so many of my friends have Independent haul and s...
Mike, he's already figured out that a PMV is necessary. Also, while you understandably may find being driven here traumatic, thousands upon thousands...
Interesting - thanks.
The same legislature that wants $1.5 million to give away as they see fit without having to document it? That same legislature? I recall that tha...
Is there any way that a landlord will accept a mainland check if it's paid a week in advance of getting keys? That's entirely up to the individua...
Independent Boatyard 340-776-0466.
Nothing like a last minute change to muck up a schedule!
A big hurdle for some thinking of moving here is the lack of affordable individual health insurance coverage which just isn't available here and is co...
There are only two water taxi operations here that I know of - Dohm's (340-775-6501) and Dolphin (774-2628). It'll be an expensive trip for the big b...
It won't be a problem if you arrange for a private taxi. One you've made your plans I'll be happy to pass on to you the name of a local driver I know...
That's not reporting. That's hearsay and gossip. I have no idea what you're arguing about as surely that's the whole point of the divisiveness be...
The only agency which doesn't allow its vehicles to go to STJ is Hertz, whether for a day trip or an extended stay.
If a crime happened at sea, and there was no evidence or follow up, did it really happen? Why would you assume there was a crime? Why would you a...
Do a search on any one of the murders that occur here and you'll get similar results - a couple of articles about the incident and then nothing. No fo...
You're going to have to reconsider not driving here. There's no reliable public transportation to speak of and not driving is a real limitation. The...