Illustrious Member
Joined: December 4, 2011 12:04 pm
Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Topics: 154 / Replies: 6369
Re: building a house on st.john

It's a little confusing sometimes when someone adds a new query to a very old thread but the OP is dated 2005. Someone enquiring about building a "ti...

9 years ago
Re: Alicia "Chucky" Hansen not her legal name?!?

Ask an attorney. A discussion centered around something which is apparently outside the realm of knowledge of any participants is meaningless.

9 years ago
Re: Plaskett v. Russell

Judging from various news reports, it seems that Mr Ackley has a dog in this race.

9 years ago
Re: Alicia "Chucky" Hansen not her legal name?!?

I doubt there's anything illegal about it at all. Apparently she was born to Martin Pickering and Medora Paulis Williams, but was reared by Mr. and M...

9 years ago
Re: Autos

The company pays for advertising on this site. The poster either owns or works for the company and the TOS apply as they do to every other forum subs...

9 years ago
Re: Travel from STX to PR

If your pet plan coverage extends to PR you'll really have to figure out travel costs and stress to the pet and compare to vet charges here to determi...

9 years ago
Re: Travel from STX to PR

Seaborne, Cape Air and other airlines have regular flights between the two and by air is the only option available. If by "regularly" you mean as a d...

9 years ago
Re: Autos

Ok jestelles....enough with the blatant advertising. Spend a few bucks and put a banner ad up on the site if you think this is a good fishing hole. ...

9 years ago
Re: A reliable cardealer for used cars?

From a previous post, the OP is on STT.

9 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet down.

Just remember my unsolicited critiques are free of charge but otherwise there's a sliding scale fee and I only accept PayPal.

9 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet down.

I'm very happy for those presently using Innovative that it is finally providing a level of competent service after all these decades of less than ade...

9 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet down.

Totally appalling that we put up with 13 years of lousy service and continue to do so. What lousy service? You can keep up the general negativit...

9 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet down.

Must be gearing up for their rate increases. Totally appalling that after 13 years of no rate increases, they're raising the business rate by 5.4...

9 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet down.

Mine went out at something after 5PM and was back up when I tried again at 6PM.

9 years ago
Re: Boat insurance

Unfortunately, your story of trying to get paid isn't unique and abounds throughout the world of insurance providers and their victims. They hire top...

9 years ago
Re: We're moving from CA to STT..any moving company recommendations?

There are a few listed under, "Relocating/The Move" top of this page who you could check out.

9 years ago
Re: Boat insurance

Tunick insures through Lloyds. Interestingly, it was Theodore Tunick, founder of the company who, in the 60s, persuaded Lloyds to do business in the ...

9 years ago
Re: Boat insurance

Theodore Tunick and Co. 340-776-7000.

9 years ago
Re: Boat ownership?

I agree with all the cautions posted and my advice is to give it very careful thought once you settle in on St John and get to know the lay of the lan...

9 years ago
Re: WAPA Revenue Bonds Suffer Third Downgrade In Less Than 60 Days

Ice was at a premium because very few people back then ('89 and '95) had generator backup so keeping a freezer operating wasn't possible. And ...

9 years ago
Re: WAPA Revenue Bonds Suffer Third Downgrade In Less Than 60 Days

Ice was at a premium because very few people back then ('89 and '95) had generator backup so keeping a freezer operating wasn't possible.

9 years ago
Re: WAPA Revenue Bonds Suffer Third Downgrade In Less Than 60 Days

You don't know me nor my personal situation, nor you deserve to. I'm sure you can say yes to your questions. After decades of living here, I am en...

9 years ago
Re: Ferry between STT and STX

Between 1.5 and 2 hours.

9 years ago
Re: A reliable cardealer for used cars?

All the rental car companies are selling used cars and with some very good warranties on many of them. A friend just purchased a really nice vehi...

9 years ago
Re: Crime Rate?

It is probably better to have nothing of value at home. The most I can lose would be a TV or DVD player or IPad. No cash, no gold at home. Easy to rep...

9 years ago
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