Last seen: December 17, 2018 10:36 pm
Many thanks for the education and explanation - appreciate it and even understand most of it! 😀 The weight in the back routine didn't work too...
I used 2 60 lb. bags of cement. I put them in garbage bags and they hardened before the bags deteriorated so no mess. Put a 2X4 in the back of truck...
Oops, missed out a digit on that 'phone number - it's 714-7770. Sorry about that!
I used 2 60 lb. bags of cement. I put them in garbage bags and they hardened before the bags deteriorated so no mess. Put a 2X4 in the back of truck...
Just a heads up but the very best mosquito/bug spray I've found is the Black Flag Flying Insect Killer. Unlike most other sprays it actually sticks (...
I have mucho garlico. Ok. I'm done. My little joke, which is based entirely on "essential spending", has run its course. Got to get the 2018 campaign ...
No problem, Sparty. I've a lot on my plate right now but there's always room for some good gravy. :@) Can you manage some fresh garlic in those tater...
You're just a jerk, sparty. Apparently you find offensive anybody who (a) dares to disagree with you and (b) has a sense of humor. Will ther...
Just out of curiosity, how much IS the import duty? Are we talking thousands of dollars or a couple of hundred?
In some stateside jurisdictions, animal control falls under the DOH umbrella but in many others (as here) the job is contracted out. The VI Governmen...
The planet must have gone through one massive axis shift while I was sleeping last night! 😀
Alana - (1) I mentioned nothing at all about your moving and give not a whit about the reasons why. (2) In the three plus decades this has been...
Suggest you call or email WAPA directly on Monday.
Why do you find it so elusive a thought that people who don't share your passions aren't necessarily a "part of (any) problem" but simply have other ...
If someone isn't sufficiently motivated to a cause about which you're passionate, accept that and move on without berating them.
This CBP directive explains - note second paragraph. There is no "Economy Car Rental" here - they're an online agency which steers you toward...
Agreed. Pavement-pounding mostly works best here. I know MANY people who've landed good jobs through cold calling.
I understand the process and how it is smacked down by the Feds. Nonetheless, there is a constituency in the VI that agrees with what is proposed...
The same old constitution amendment activists pop up every few years to gather around and waste time and money to solemnly come up with the same propo...
No. Passwords are linked to IP addresses. Interesting. So I won't be able to get on the home computer and my smart phone (if using data plan). O...
No. Passwords are linked to IP addresses.
The two major negatives about retiring here center around finances and health. Only a handful of the many longtime residents I first became friends w...
Posting on a well-frequented travel forum usually brings the best results.
1. I didn't know you can tell that someone has A combative attitude just by reading a post. 2. The same advice that you're giving me, do me a fa...