I see, well I bought a box at a local UPS store and they will forward anything I want. So I could have anything I want shipped to them and they will s...
What if I did want a computer shipped? How would I get that delieverd....any ideas?
That was over the top helpful! Thanks, you the man....and if you happen to be a woman, then you the woman!
I understand that is espensive but are you saying that they deliver directly to your home?
We are moving to St Thomas as well. I've read a lot of articles on discrimination and could honestly care less. If people don't like me because I'm wh...
No, it's a 4 bedroom.
NO, I am coming there to live only. I own an ad agency back in Boston so i can work from home (wherever that is). But I'll be employed from my company...
Well I read the rules and it clearly states that if you reside in the USVI for more than 3 months you must surrender your out of state license. But on...
Well my legal residence will be Massachusetts. But I am buying a property in St Thomas. I'll have to research this some more.
Oh, that's not good. Then what happens when I come home? I have to do it all over again?
Yes, it's those units we are considering and yes we've seen them. The general area seems very secluded and my girlfriend is worried...I grew up in a m...
Yes, but I'll be living on St Thomas for only 6 months, then back to Boston for the other 6 months. Can I keep both licenses?
How do they know when you got there?
Yes, we love the property but is it in a safe area? It looks so remote.
Cool, so as usual just play the system against itself!
Okay, but I will be buying a car in St Thomas and registering it as well. I'll have to get insurance.
Dam Geckos! Have you heard of any complaints with StarBand?
Do you know if they are any good? Do they have interuptions in their service?