Honorable Member
Joined: October 10, 2012 12:48 pm
Topics: 20 / Replies: 661
Re: Recycling effort launched on St. Croix

This program is in it's infancy. It's a start and a conscious effort. I get that, but, wouldn't it be easier to start off with the tools that ar...

7 years ago
Re: Limetree Bay agreement is hardly 'manna from heaven'

They might be at that little island off Hovensa or maybe Campo Rico beaches? I have never seen any black beaches either. Yes, I do go to the b...

7 years ago
Re: Recycling effort launched on St. Croix

So much easier just to not use single use plastic. It’s 4Ocean who’s making this happen and only a trial run. It’s great don’t get me wrong but we hav...

7 years ago
Re: Recycling effort launched on St. Croix

So much easier just to not use single use plastic. It’s 4Ocean who’s making this happen and only a trial run. It’s great don’t get me wrong but we hav...

7 years ago
Re: Shipping dog food to st croix

Sorry for my ignorance, but what does this mean? If I ordered anything online to STX, I would have to pay some sort of import tax? It depends on ...

7 years ago
Re: Shipping dog food to st croix

Thanks for the info. That's a bit pricey for me. Cheaper to deliver to a friend and have them ship, at least for the small bags of cat food. Yes,...

7 years ago
Re: Shipping dog food to st croix

What is the shipping cost on that from Medley to STX? Its about $30 bucks...well worth it to get the food I want. Does that $30 include Cust...

7 years ago
Re: Obtaining Duplicate Registration

You bunch of spoiled refugees. We remember when it took ALL DAY at the DMV. How many of you were here when the DMV when it was at Anna's Hope? :@):P ...

7 years ago
Re: Limetree Bay agreement is hardly 'manna from heaven'

Sunshinefun is just being ironic! Nobody could be that absolutely nihilistic. But he (I assume from the strident tone) is just at that point in S. Ki...

7 years ago
Re: Limetree Bay agreement is hardly 'manna from heaven'

Your comments speak for themselves....and that's part of the problem; too many others think just like you..... for a good time, not a ...

7 years ago
Re: Obtaining Duplicate Registration

Typically, the BMV person will give you a form and you fill it out right there and have the on site notary notarize it. Then, you give it back and pay...

7 years ago
Re: Shipping dog food to st croix

What is the shipping cost on that from Medley to STX? Its about $30 bucks...well worth it to get the food I want.

7 years ago
Re: Recycling effort launched on St. Croix

I’m sure the landfill is filled with tons of aluminum cans! I thought our landfill was closed and they were baling the trash and shipping it else...

7 years ago
Re: Shipping dog food to st croix

I buy from which ships free to Paradise Freight in Medley. I usually get a couple of 30 lb sacks at a time. I don't really care that I ...

7 years ago
Re: Car Registration after Shipping

Try Ferrol Trucking. I think they do everything. 340-778-9602

7 years ago
Re: Limetree Bay agreement is hardly 'manna from heaven'

It's not my problem or concern that the local government is inept and unable to craft a better agreement than the one they did. But, I can tell you as...

7 years ago
Re: Great Big Ole Roadside Signs

You must be a younger person. Most older persons having or starting to have cataracts, have problems with light glare. Nope...I'm actually 56. Bu...

7 years ago
Re: Great Big Ole Roadside Signs

Perhaps I'm in the minority, but, I think we need more electric digital signs and proper billboards. Most of the shabby crap signs that litter the lan...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Re: Cost U Less cost me less!!!!

We live in a very small isolated economy with limited competition. Those who own businesses here tend to enjoy extraordinary profits, especially if yo...

7 years ago
Re: Using cargo container for shipping a vehicle

A business is legally allowed in many states to add credit card transaction fees when a credit card is used. I'm not sure about the VI, but, many busi...

7 years ago
Re: Cost U Less cost me less!!!!

Its highly doubtful that DCLA can do anything about prices at grocery stores or even gas stations for that matter. They can't dictate what profit marg...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Re: Cost U Less cost me less!!!!

I'd love the see Plaza Extra's Profit & Loss Statement!!!!

7 years ago
Re: Mahogany Run

You should send that to Trump...he likes a good bargain golf course.

7 years ago
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