Nobody's threatening your right to free speech, even anonymously . I'm very happy that the two of you ( whoever you are ) replied to my posting. Tha...
So Betty and lrijah and others of the "screw the tourists" persuasion, what do you do for a living? I'm guessing that you're intelligent people who w...
Call in the media and highlight to the world the crime problem on St. Croix. What a wonderful idea! I'm sure Peter would have approved of this....we...
So how is it that there's been no mention of the suicide in the papers, Source, or anywhere other than here?
Well when I put out my earlier request for restauranteurs to check out our restaurant listing ( ) I didn't realize th...
Scuba Dawg is doing great thanks. He's his usual self, passed out on the cool tiles of the store floor. I'm kind of envying him. And Paula than...
Our name, wetsite ( ), and specifically our restaurant page ( ) have been mentioned here (thank you Juan...