Honorable Member
Joined: July 30, 2015 11:28 am
Last seen: November 30, 2020 1:47 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 622
Re: Hovensa housing

My friend who works at Limetree is living in one of the houses...

8 years ago
Re: Daily car rentals and water taxis to the other islands

I don't lnow how long they will be on STx but some of the car rentals have $99 for a 3 day rental.

8 years ago
Re: Can I do it?

I successfully cut all ties, and moved here (STX), i did have a job lined up and i moved all my stuff and cars and the family down. so far so good 5 ...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

STT sailor you hit it on the head. I never sleep good on my boat. It's always "whats that noise" "did the wind shift" "was that boat that close before...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

i second Green Cay Marina, I keep my boat there and it is a very nice marina and it has lots of amenities. My insurance company considers it a "safe H...

8 years ago
Re: Is there much of a social life in St Croix and Where is the best area to live if your job is in Christiansted?

If you have a dog, many places down on the boardwalk are dog friendly so you can walk up and down the boardwalk and meet other dog owners. Making fri...

9 years ago
Re: Bicycle lanes

And you can be naked!

9 years ago
Re: Need to rent a moored boat

One other thing I forgot was if a storm hits you will need to move your boat or hope for the best. There are many boat the are for sale that are not o...

9 years ago
Re: Need to rent a moored boat

Living on a boat is more like camping, even on a well equipped boat. Space is a premium, and if you are living with anyone you will get to know them i...

9 years ago
Re: Time it takes to sell a house on STX?

The cleaning has just become part of the routine.We keep the bedroom closed up so it's minimal. My wife works from home and we keep the computers lock...

9 years ago
Re: Best days to grocery shop STX???

For STX.....Crowley boat comes in on Monday (Pueblo, CUL and Food Town, Seaside), Tropical boat comes in on Tuesday (Plaza)

9 years ago
Re: Time it takes to sell a house on STX?

Been here and rented for 5 years and bought a house up the hill from the beach and yes it does get salt air. We rinse the cars down every other day, s...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

That was back before crews were screened. Crews were not screened until the 80's when a baggage handler got into the cockpit of a PSA plane and shot t...

9 years ago
Re: Territory's recycling laws move closer

I remember when I was in Panama all the schools got together and had "garbage pick up contests" Kids would get sections to clean up and win a prize fo...

9 years ago
Re: Pizza Pi Petition

Maybe for the novelty of having pizza from a boat.

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Everyone does go thru the checkpoint and everything is screened very few exceptions. Where was he nabbed post screening or before? I'm sure our offic...

9 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

I'll admit i didn't vote until I moved to the VI. I was one of those my vote won't make a difference people. I've seen what a small group can accompli...

9 years ago
Re: Opening a snack vending business on the beach

I think a couple of nice (not ragged) food trucks would be cool.

9 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

If she really loves St Croix she will stay away. She is only embarrassing herself. Bet it has been a hard two years not being able to thief from the ...

9 years ago
Re: Driving wild on STT

In STX many divers here seem to think the line on the road is where you put the middle of your car. The Govs. entourage ran me off the road out east. ...

9 years ago
Re: Best features for a STJ Coral Bay rental property

Before i lived here (STX), we used to rent houses for vacation all over the Caribbean. Here were what we always wanted in a rental 1. On or close to...

9 years ago
Re: New Asphalt plant STX

It wasn't my fault, it wasn't your fault, it was the asphalt...........sorry old lame joke but I couldn't resist.

9 years ago
Re: Best Island Car/Truck/Suv?!?

A co worker has a Subaru, it's a nightmare to get parts for. I have a Wrangler and a 4 door pick up. Love them both, the Wrangler is not comfortable b...

9 years ago
Re: Mechanic on STX

I second Mike at MPH

9 years ago
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