Honorable Member
Joined: July 30, 2015 11:28 am
Last seen: November 30, 2020 1:47 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 622
Re: Most Government Workers Could Be Replaced By Robots, New Study Finds

"In the VI, most government workers SHOULD be replaced by robots." Many can be replaced by simple automation. But automation and streamlining pro...

8 years ago
Re: Most Government Workers Could Be Replaced By Robots, New Study Finds

"In the VI, most government workers SHOULD be replaced by robots.' Many can be replaced by basic automation. But automation and efficiency means ...

8 years ago
Re: Mosler for Governor

I've heard alot recently about him buying and desecrating Grassy Point with the house but why the anger on him? Why not at the person that sold it to ...

8 years ago
Re: Mosler for Governor

sadly we have a larger voting population that will only vote by the party that is thrown and the t shirt that was given or last name. This same group ...

8 years ago
Re: Possibly moving to St. Croix

I moved here to STX six years ago and was very familiar with the island before moving here. I knew exactly where I wanted to live (East End) so I rent...

8 years ago
Re: handicapped parking permit

Not that a permit matters, people park in handicap spaces all the time without them, with no fear of getting ticketed.

8 years ago
Re: Mapp: No Bonds Right Now, V.I. Needs New Taxes to Sustain Budge

"This could surely ruin any re-election plans for Governor Map." Not necessarily, all he needs to do is throw a party, give out some t shirts ...

8 years ago
Re: Our car stolen from mechanic

East End gas station by tide village has a few SUVs for sale.

8 years ago
Re: USVI giving $ for 2017 tourists?

Lots of tourist destinations do this sort of thing.

8 years ago
Re: Adult Parade Disgusting Episode

AandA, i experience the same thing if I stop and talk to someone on the side of the road. Drivers go ballistic, hypocritical indeed.

8 years ago
8 years ago
Re: VI .I. Answer Desk: Is USVI Collecting Tax on Villas and AirBnB Rentals?

"So what's to gain for the GVI other than a large manpower expense to collect what amounts to peanuts?" More jobs for friends and family...Now th...

8 years ago
Re: Strange things about living in the VI

Parking.... People park wherever they want, no regard for signs or handicap spaces. I was in a parking spot on NYE in the Seaborne lot and some dude j...

8 years ago
Re: best make of car for St Croix

Like Jeff Foxworthy says....buying a car from a car rental company is like going to a brothel to find a wife.

8 years ago
Re: Someone to turn on Electricity

Funny the hold the little guy accountable but let the government owed monies slide.......

8 years ago
Re: VP Biden visit

Maybe we can start a Biden for governor 2018 campaign. Like our own little "Welcome to Mooseport".

8 years ago
Re: best make of car for St Croix

Nissan X Terra, made in US and a damn sturdy car

8 years ago
Re: I think WAPA is screwing us over.

"They really are inept 100%. My power got shut off today. I thought it was an outage as we've had them every day for a week now. So I called and they ...

8 years ago
Re: Gov Mapp Proposes Taxes To Address Deficits

i have always said, many politicians are corrupt, most try to hide it while our VI branch flaunt it.

8 years ago
Re: Port Authority changes

I've dealt with Mapp many times. I'm not optimistic at all with him over the port. He has lied to my face in the past. Nepotism and cronyism at it's b...

8 years ago
Re: Gov Mapp Proposes Taxes To Address Deficits

If Mapp wants to address deficits maybe he can stay at the Best Western when in STT instead of the Ritz? I'm sure he can also use conference calls for...

8 years ago
Re: VI violence What would you do to stop the killings?

Parents being parents is a start. Not just being baby makers.

8 years ago
Re: Mosler on Ferry: One More Sea Trial Before Carrying Passengers

OK bjears i am the only one thinking this? Is the name B Jears or BJ ears? sorry my mind works strangely.

8 years ago
Re: Pet transport to STX

take the MIASTX non stop on American, as long as the temperature is not above 85 degrees in either location the dog can fly.

8 years ago
Re: Needed: Company that shreds files on STT

Or you can buy a parrot. Mine shreds everything that is near his cage!

8 years ago
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