Last seen: July 29, 2022 7:46 am
The cost of the bike was mentioned in passing by someone assigned to protect it. Not sure of the source of the figure. Seems like a lot, but then ag...
Lance showed his true colors when he didn't have the descency to show up at the awards banquet to receive his award and check. Guess that's what happ...
Last couple of times I went with visitors, Cruzan tour was $5 for visitors and free for locals.
Thanks for the valuable feedback. I believe my friend's meter is mounted on an existing building and there is only a mast-head feed drop which comes ...
Don't be so sure about what you read. My friend is moving off-island. I gave them my dog carrier to take their Cruzan hound back with them. AA said...
It sounds like AT&T is planning at least one new cell on the east end of STX. I am assisting a friend of mine with a ground lease proposal for a new ...
Funny, it doesn't seem to affect my clock, but then it only has one hand and no numbers on it. What no numbers? That's right... Monday, Tuesday, We...
While AT&T is the best, recently they do seem to have some latency issues with SMS. It seems that there can be a delay of as much as 45-60 minutes if...
If you want to see a supplier who comes in and makes landmark changes in the business landscape, watch what happens if WalMart ever comes to the VI......
Yes, that's what I was wondering, but then I had to ponder who put them there? If WAPA did, makes you wonder if they know how their outside plant is ...
One other thing to consider is whether the bank you're considering is FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Company) insured. FDIC insures your deposits up...
While we're on the topic, I noticed several pickup trucks on the sidewalk in front of Napoleon's Pizza in C'Sted this weekend when I drove by. It loo...
No problemo! Call these guys. I've used them to ship stuff all over the islands. They're FAST, FRIENDLY and LOCAL! Christina and her team are awes...
USFW on island administrates import of birds to VI. All birds have to have health certificate from licensed vet within X days of entry. American Air...
I just returned from Jamaica, where power rates are even higher than the VI. In the hotel, in order to power up the room, you had to put your hotel k...
is there any extra charge for the on-line service? if so, how much? Their website doesn't say anything about it.
Today there were bulldozers spreading out what looked to be 10-15 dump truck loads of base gravel. No forms for foundations, etc., so sounding like i...