Last seen: July 29, 2022 7:46 am
Lenny at Luncharia sells 'em in downtown C'sted. Great Mexican food there (reasonable price) too!
We checked coolers as baggage on AA several times during previous sailing trips to the BVI. The coolers we liked to use were the smaller ones that Om...
You might consider eFax.com. If you have a good quality Internet connection, you should be fine.
Save your money. Physics isn't magic. Put up a real antenna outdoors. It will work FAR better.
Ken's the man. He took great care of me for a fair price! (tu)(tu)
Where are these incidents happening? Sion Farm bins? Cotton Valley bins? VIWMA sites? Other locations?
I've also noted that UPS will automatically collect import duties on behalf of the VI government and require you to pay them prior to delivery. I've ...
When I brought our birds here a couple of years ago,, they required health certificates less than two, maybe four, weeks old, and you had to get bird ...
We love Michael and Terry at St. Croix Beach Massage. Their couples massage on the secluded beaches of STX are perfect for our special occasions. ww...
It was crystal clear visibility this morning & then by afternoon the haze drifted in. Makes me wonder if it's something temperature / sun related?
We get nearly all of our pet supplies from Petco.com They will ship here for free with a minimum order of something like $50.00. Their prices are 30...
I would think the Nature Conservancy would be all over something like this. Anyone know if they're involved yet?
Bank of STX is FDIC insured. Not sure about the others, but best to check.
Most cell carrier signals are in the GHz frequency range, and solar flares have little, if any, effect on them. Ditto for the microwave radio paths w...
Another option is to consider a 2-stage more. You could use PODS, or a similar company, and then ship your goods to an ocean shipper for transfer int...
I will second Terry & Michael. Their couple's massage on the beach is the bomb! There's something theraputic & hypnotic about the sounds of the surf...
Happy to assist Tami. If you really want to be bored off your gord, here's a very comprehensive guide on lightning & grounding for residences: ...
I had an entire home surge protector in Florida and it worked awesome. One time my neighbor lost: TV, cable box, answering machine, computer, monito...
Best to wait until you get down here & then get one. You'll get a local number that way. More importantly, when you decide on where you will live, h...
The panels can generally be easily removed in the event of a hurricane, however depending on how they're installed, you may need a special plastic wre...
Looks like a big step toward making WAPA less dependent on fossil fuels was made yesterday. WAPA signed contracts for 18 MW with 3 different companie...