Last seen: November 4, 2022 10:39 am
Stx store much better than stt store. Bigger, better stocked, friendlier, more helpful people. Hope go ends closing doesn't have negative impact on th...
I must have been asleep at the switch. I didn't notice it until this year. A WAPA plan to save money, or reduce maintenance?
any idea how much luggage/stuff is allowed per passenger?
It's within nose shot of the dump, I think.
Have houses on stt and stx. Broadband VI on stx is twice as fast as innovative on stt. Skysthelimit service is outstanding on stx.
thanks for the info. Oddly, the toyota dealer on stt does service lexus cars. Very strange since they are both owned by the same person from what I un...
Thanks. Called and they are open 11-5 for lunch.
Well at least the environmentalist wackos should be happy. Less pollution, no matter the cost. And for those that complained about government tax brea...
Jahrustyferrari, Not sure where you got your price comparisons from but they are way off.
HD STT had some early growing pains as well.Actually after the first couple years, service and supply went downhill. then they must have brought in so...
Are there erosion problems along that area between Christiansted and Salt River...such as Judiths Fancy Coast? If so, how bad and over how many years?
thanks for the recommendations. tried Victor's tonight and the food and service were really good. thank you very much.
Cruz, You are emblematic of why we remain a third world island. 1) Peter says he is not in this to compete so am not sure why you suspect this is al...
Great idea. Thanks Marty!
anyone heard any new info on local hd channels? One rumor is dish will begin to broadcast hd local channels but that is just a rumor. haven't heard an...
Another objection...if the plan is so good, why does congress and the executive branch exempt themselves?