Noble Member
Joined: June 2, 2008 11:27 am
Last seen: December 22, 2024 1:57 am
Topics: 12 / Replies: 1055
RE: Shipping a jeep to stt for personal use and to rent it out weekly to guests at our airbnb

Most of the local companies will have very similar pricing for auto insurance. You will need to get a business license for renting it and the insuran...

11 months ago
RE: Happy New Year

Back at ya! Happy new year to you all.

12 months ago
RE: Vehicle insurance companies

When I was checking around for auto insurance I finally had one person tell me that for auto insurance companies locally, they are all underwritten by...

1 year ago
RE: Where have all the posters gone?

I noticed a lot less posting after the format change to the site. And also when Old Tart stopped contributing. But I agree, a lot of people are just...

1 year ago
RE: Insurance on Wood Frame Homes in the VI

Curious to know what kind of hikes you guys are seeing in your premiums. I would imagine this is going to almost haunt sales of wooden homes unless ...

1 year ago
RE: Our Landlord had Security Cameras

It’s legal to have the cameras as long as they are not hidden or inside. But you do have a right to privacy and if they are positioned in a way that ...

1 year ago
RE: Import fee for materials brought to St John from mainland

In my opinion, it can be worth it for a lot of items. And not so much for others. The weight restrictions of a container need to be considered as w...

1 year ago
RE: Import fee for materials brought to St John from mainland

Like mentioned there are customs and excises taxes due on new items. Used household items (a year or older) can be exempt. You will have to have in...

1 year ago
RE: Health Insurance

@vicanuck Thank you!

2 years ago
RE: Health Insurance

I’m curious to know what the rates arr fee e like if anyone reaches out.

2 years ago
RE: Health Insurance

Search this forum for a lot of info. But the short answer is there are no individual plans offered here. You can get group plans with a business or ...

2 years ago
RE: Auto shipping/broker

I generally do the shipping part myself and use Boynes Trucking for the clearing and road ready once it arrives. Although Tropical shipping tends to ...

2 years ago
RE: House Design - Land Clearing - Site Work - Excavation - Concrete - Septic - Electrics -Plumbing Contractor(s)

@jaldeborgh You are so right. You can usually have one or the other. Speed or budget. But I’m still of the camp that if you can go cash heavy at f...

2 years ago
RE: House Design - Land Clearing - Site Work - Excavation - Concrete - Septic - Electrics -Plumbing Contractor(s)

There are a number of things that could slow a project down. You have to have a contractor who is efficient, that works well with other subcontracto...

2 years ago
RE: Shipping from Columbia

I’ve gotten door and window packages from Guatemala before (full containers) and they did go to FL before heading back down. It took awhile, logistic...

2 years ago
RE: Wills and Trusts

Ah. I see! Thanks for the offer but since I’m just V.I. based I would like a V.I. lawyer. There are just too many things here that don’t make a lo...

2 years ago
RE: Wills and Trusts

@jaldeborgh do you mind sharing the name?

2 years ago
RE: Solar Power in USVI - can costs be financially justified?

I just looked at one of our more recent quotes for one of our houses to see what the numbers looked like. The house is about 4500 square feet and tha...

2 years ago
RE: Solar panel question about voltage, 3 bdrm house 1800 SF on St John

There are a bunch of solar outfits locally. I would switch gears and get with one of the local companies. One of the biggest hold ups is materials....

2 years ago
RE: Solar panel question about voltage, 3 bdrm house 1800 SF on St John

This may be a dumb question, but hasn’t your solar guy been to the house? If he has and is asking these questions you may need a new solar guy. If...

2 years ago
RE: Building a house, which A/C do you prefer for the mini splits and best way to do it

If you are purchasing the units yourself you should seek guidance from the sales people. But generally speaking, you want to be able to control by z...

2 years ago
RE: House Design - Land Clearing - Site Work - Excavation - Concrete - Septic - Electrics -Plumbing Contractor(s)

I agree with the advice of starting with your designer/engineer. They probably have preferred builders they work with and a good relationship between...

2 years ago
RE: Preview Move

@vicanuck I agree. It took me two decades of living here to buy a piece of property. I know more than most that work happens every day of the week...

2 years ago
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