Last seen: February 24, 2025 2:37 am
Since my 2010 was under audit, they audited 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015. And I still have to prove the existence of my two children every year. I suppose...
Sounds like there is a good chance your 2013 is in audit. This is what happened to me for 2010 and I didn't find out until 2015 after more than two d...
I have been owed a refund of 17 of the 19 years I've been here. The quickest return check I got was 2 years after the final due date. They all have ...
I would be very careful about hiring someone who isn't at least insured to work on your property. Even if your house is a small single story, gutteri...
I don't know the company. But getting anyone to do work like that right now is a little tough because everyone is so busy. I would suggest you ask t...
Tires are a good one! I'd bring two full sets if you have the room. Especially if you have an odd size. People on St. John have been blowing through...
If all else fails, you may just want to reach out to a cabinet shop. They do fine woodworking and even if they can't do it they may know someone who ...
Good point about the flood/water damage. I bought a F150 and a Impreza from FL and had them shipped. All in with shipping, road tax, registration, i...
Thanks for that info! That is a side of it I hadn't heard of yet. Glad that you found a way to put your skills to work in another way to help get th...
Me too! I hunker down in the house all cozy under a blanket and read a book. These days it's the only time I don't feel guilty about ignoring all of...
I neglected to say that the insurance claim work we are doing is for people who have mortgages. We had one person retain us for work almost immed...
That sounds like a much better idea! Good luck!
Our version of a snow day is either a major power outage or a tropical storm/hurricane. We had lots of them this year!!! On St. John, the St. John S...
I work for a licensed contractor, so I can give you a little on what we've seen for requirements. There are differences between the insurance compani...
Thank you very much!!! I will definitely check out the info. I guess it shouldn't be too big of a surprise, but I get a lot of pushback from the DOE...
Actually, I'm in the process of setting up my own nonprofit to do just that. How I have been doing it is just asking for direct donations of products...
I don't miss snow either!!! You are right, I have a sour taste in my mouth with GHS. But, the first day, they had 35 (typo on 25, sorry) returni...
I don't really know any of the people who were on that show other than one couple. Their house was destroyed and they don't live here now. I don't k...
There are all kinds of things here that I had never seen prior to moving here. I've never been a huge fan of tropical fruits myself. I do however li...
I usually visit Michigan early July. Not going to go this year. Going to miss out on bringing back 20lbs of fresh picked blueberries. The northern ...
Congrats! That's awesome news!
The places I've seen on craigslist the few times I've checked don't appear to be legitimate. And yes, most go by word of mouth. I currently have sev...
Unfortunately, this is going to be tough. What is your budget? Do you have a temporary place to stay when you get here? Have you already secured fl...
That saying will do you well here. I tend not to be surprised by the way things go much anymore. So many serendipitous things happen to me here that...
Lol! And no, I giggled at 'dicker' and immediately decided to start over using that word. You may just want to reach out to a towing company. ...