Last seen: February 4, 2021 9:09 pm
LOL well if you do that regularly you may end up starving Sky 🙂 Sean
Great news on 61.5! I'm glad Dish has decided that the Caribbean market is worth pursuing and is launching these new spots at us! Sean
There is a whole other thread on this with lots of information. The manager of the IHOP is really trying hard and sometimes things don't go well. I'...
Versus in HD would be my number one request. I can get it in HD now...when there is a free preview, off of 61.5. But they won't sell it to me. If t...
Glad to hear they came out within an hour, like many of us were saying, the line crews seem to be really good. Sean
I just went through this. RKS is correct, your responsibility actually starts before the meter at the weatherhead. I had to replace my 2 meters as t...
It seems to me that if what was seen was 2 "black" guys just say 2 "black" guys. I'd like to think that we all know that describing one's physica...
Is tourism at fault? People say it "ruined" St. Thomas by introducing more opportunities for crime. And nobody in this excellent series of posts has y...
According to that Source article they are requesting $62 million dollars for policing here in the territory in FY 2011 (down from FY 2010). That is a...
They have relaxed their shipping rules recently. A few years ago it was books, music and games only but now they seem to be shipping more stuff here!...
If you have the correct last names a lot, the rest of us get nothing 🙂 Sean
What we call "High Speed access" down here is really not anymore. 1mbps is all you are going to get residentially. 5 years ago this was considered h...
BR1K, You should talk to some of the guys at BBVI if you haven't. I do agree there are too many problems and outages, but to call these guys "cl...
Why would they care if its a freight forwarder? It's not illegal or anything, you pay all duties here which is handled by VI Cargo. That makes 0 sen...
Actually it means WE had to pay more! They should hire the guys from Southwest Airlines who have done a great job hedging their fuel. Pay them $...
VI Cargo is your friend! Sean
I've seen them changing light bulbs on a Sunday night on street lights in my neighborhood. At first I was like "wow, that's service" but then I reali...
The Leac does seem like it's a hidden and illegal tax being used to pay for the fact that the government isn't paying for their electricity. Rather t...
Jennn, The menu is interesting now. All ala-carte and few entrees anymore. A burger is only $7 but if you want Pickle's that is .25 and Fries $...
The thing is I would have no problem with the head of Wapa making $240,000 if Wapa was being run correctly. I'd be in favor of paying someone $10,000...
Just my observation: We are doing major renovations to our home and GBH has been very disorganized lately. Hopefully it is just due to the pains of c...
Agreed, Down, especially this year! Sean
LOL, the article mentions "backing up regular patrols." I've never seen a "regular patrol" in my neighborhood. Sean